Along with the new tax levy , a new direct tax system was set up .
In most countries a direct tax on person , called an income tax .
Personal income tax is a direct tax , has a strong regulatory function .
High gas and hitting bills act like a direct tax on consumers .
Viewing the Reform Trend of China 's Individual Direct Tax System in Light of Theory of Optimal Taxation
Personal income tax is a direct tax , is also a vital stake in our taxes .
It puts forward the process of direct tax coordination which includes corporate income tax and individual income tax .
The direct tax Imposed by the Nanking National Government , has profound social background and history causation .
The principal direct tax is income tax , in which the person who receives the income pays the tax .
Direct tax including agricultural tax has remarkable negative effect on economic growth , while in direct tax including circulation tax not remarkable effect .
As a direct tax levied on individuals , individual income tax plays an important role in increasing government revenue and adjusting residents ' income gaps .
Inheritance tax could also be thought of as direct tax on the deceased , although its incidence falls on the heirs of the estate .
The taxation system in recent China proceeded in the three stages from the traditional simple direct tax to indirect tax , then to modern direct tax as main tax .
But , because the community lacks the coordinated direct tax the appropriation jurisdiction , in the European Union stratification plane 's obtained tax law development is slow .
Real estate tax plays an important role in the fair distribution of income and effective allocation of resources , because it has dual nature of both direct tax and indirect tax .
During Nanjing national government period , although social conditions of direct tax has not been mature , the direct tax system was set up successfully under the macro background of Anti-Japanese War .
Low-income countries execute indirect tax institution and high-income countries carry out direct tax institution . The income level is higher then direct tax has more portion in the tax revenue .
It insists on the tax policy which reduces the income tax and increases the direct tax of the rich , and it has active use in maintaining the consumption just and improving the social fair distribution .
Corporate income tax is a type of tax which the authority imposes corporations on the managerial income and others . It is a kind of direct tax , and functions well to regulate and maintain fairness .
Tax revenue is the major means of regulation income distribution . In the current taxation of our country , direct tax proportion passes the little , personal receipt regulation system of revenue tax that does not form a science .
In view of the financial structure of Tudor Dynasty , the monarchical power relied deeply on the Parliament , which was clearly shown by the position and function of customs and direct tax in the financial structure .
Justifiability of federal income tax on residents is controversial confined to the distribution principle on direct tax in the Constitution initially , and instruments identified of the Supreme Court on the issue also showed changes on different times .
The exemption , remission or deferral specifically related to an export , of a direct tax is a prohibited subsidy , with an exception that appropriate interests are charged on the tax deferral .
The paper pointed out that abolishment of agriculture tax just reduce farmer 's direct tax burden , a great deal of burden still remain which caused by extra fees , the price scissors be - tween industry and agricultural products .
The tax systems of the countries all over the world are inclined to adopt the indirect tax represented by value-added tax and direct tax represented by income tax and run side by side . Reducing the tax rate and expanding the tax base to become the general trend .
First , according to the function way , it is divided into the direct environment tax and the indirect environment tax .
The taxpayer complies with the degree direct influence tax law implementation the validity , affects the tax money to drain the degree .
Direct pollution tax is based on stimulating environment taxes conforming to the polluter-pays principle , only the polluters are levied .
No capitation , or other direct , tax shall be laid , unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken .
The major policies are direct funding and tax incentive .