community awareness

美 [kəˈmjuːnəti əˈwernəs]英 [kəˈmjuːnəti əˈweənəs]
  • 网络社区意识
community awarenesscommunity awareness
  1. Popularization of public spirit is the basis of the establishment of urban community awareness and the cultivation of residents ' identity with urban community and the spiritual foundation of the development of urban community .


  2. Afghanistan has ramped up efforts that include training large numbers of health professionals in family planning services and community awareness in the provinces of Kabul , Nangarhar , Balkh and Herat .


  3. In theory , and procuratorial power on the nature of the academic community awareness of the differences still exist .


  4. Encouraging self-reporting and early treatment by promoting community awareness and changing the image of leprosy ;


  5. The third part of reform and opening up to community awareness of the contemporary changes in Shaanxi farmers were discussed .


  6. It is particularly important to increase community awareness as well as to improve the coordination with veterinary services to contain the outbreak .


  7. However , the change must be based on local culture and local community awareness , and can 't copy the Western experiences in the development of female science fiction .


  8. First , the association strengthens the cohesion of members , improves villagers ' community awareness and widens the resources channel for community construction by making full use of local culture .


  9. It provides a scientific basis for the criterion and restriction of human activities , raising community awareness of the environment and enhancing the implementation of regional sustainable development strategies and policies and measures .


  10. After being in the actual area for the establishment of sustainable development model is necessary to help foster community awareness of the subject and improve the quality of the people , and promote the harmonious development of the community .


  11. And participation efficiency is low and the subject of the participants is single etc. The main cause is the weakness of community awareness , the lack of mechanisms to express interests , low degree of community organization , serious community-based administration and so on .


  12. An Analysis of Community Participation Awareness about Tourism Development in Underdeveloped Areas


  13. Improve students apply their knowledge to serve the community 's awareness and abilities .


  14. An analysis is made of the root causes for the lack of community participation awareness in underdeveloped areas .


  15. National unity education is an important way for a multi-ethnic country to train members of the community owning awareness of unity .


  16. Therefore , in order to adapt to the new situation , changing concepts of education , lifelong education , the outlook on education and community education awareness , enrich youth community education theory .


  17. The community 's conservation awareness and its socio-economic development have direct impacts on the result of biodiversity conservation .


  18. In CSCW community , group awareness model and its application are an important research field . distinctness that makes perception easy .


  19. The exist of the different benefits community and the awareness of the corpus consciousness also request objectively to establish the morals norm system that adapt to different need for layer class .


  20. Results : The average of the Index of physique in the resident of the community was 21.37.The awareness rate of nutrition knowledge was 68.82 % , that of household register and the unregistered , both of them have no significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) .


  21. Community residents active conservation awareness has not established .


  22. Individual and community education on drowning awareness , risks associated with drowning and learning waters survival skills appear promising strategies to prevent drowning .


  23. The key issue to improve the community 's biodiversity conservation awareness and improve the community 's condition is to know their needs and the main conflicts between the nature reserves and community .


  24. The study holds that there is a positive correlation between degree of family harmony , teacher-student and students ' comfort level , degree of harmony in the community and participial charitable awareness of student .


  25. He works closely with local law enforcement , and never confronts criminals directly , opting instead to report anything suspicious to the proper authorities , as well as fighting crime via a number of community service projects and awareness programs .


  26. Trial at the initial stage of community corrections system , community environment and community awareness are also very immature , the promotion of " Beijing Model " will be more practical significance .
