commit to memory
- 牢记

I understand the process when it is explained to me but find it very diffcult to commit to memory .
To think exaltation reading comprehension ability want to be malicious to grasp a basic achievement first , commit to memory a list a phrase , extension oneself of vocabulary quantity .
I 'll repeat that so you can commit it to memory .
You 'll need these figures so often that you must commit them to memory .
Napping after learning something new could help you commit it to memory - as long as you dream , scientists say .
Try to commit the number to memory .
Learn to commit new words to memory ii .
Commit the names to memory then destroy the piece of paper .
You must commit the poem to memory .
Sometimes students feel that it is hard to commit foreign words to memory or that they are likely to make many mistakes when they try to use the words they have learned .
When you 're confident that you can see the Mind Map in your Mind 's eye , practise your speech a few times to review the information and commit your speech to memory .
If anyone really wishes to cure himself of his malady , I advise him to commit this couplet to memory or to show still more courage and paste it on the wall of his room .
We should read this chapter oftener than we do , and commit the Song to memory ; so that the great words are imprinted on our hearts : " Love seeketh not her own . " Think over it and pray over it .