coats of arms
- n.盾形纹章;盾徽
- coat of arms的复数

The earliest commissions , often with coats of arms , are called the " first orders " .
A coat of arms that occupies one quarter of an escutcheon ; combining four coats of arms on one shield usually represented intermarriages .
There are magazines devoted to bell ringing , there are bell-ringing societies at universities with their own coats of arms , and there 's even a national council .
The carriages of the peers of France and of the Ambassadors , emblazoned with coats of arms , held the middle of the way , going and coming freely .
Walk across Gradec , past St. Mark 's Church , with its patterned tile roof depicting the Croatian and Zagreb coats of arms , to one of the town 's quirkiest attractions : the Museum of Broken Relationships .