blaze of glory
- 荣耀之光

I am never going back to prison . I am going to make national news headlines and go out in a blaze of glory .
The19th century went out in a blaze of glory .
Yet all to often , these rebels burn out in a blaze of glory .
My spectacular professional career that is about to embark on in a blaze of glory .
We are gonna make national news-headlines and go out in a blaze of glory through relentless efforts and passion and enthusiasm .
A new policy is hardly a new policy at all unless it can be unveiled in a blaze of glory , preferably as a well-timed surprise .
CAPTAIN DESMOND BAILEY It wasn 't the blaze of glory that we had expected , you know , but , nonetheless ...
It 's the guerdon , the reward , the prize of fame that we 're continually anticipating will burst out someday in a sudden blaze of glory .
Bipolar people aren 't paranoid and bullying in their down phases - they 're usually apathetic and totally non-functional . In a couple more years , he 'll crash and burn in a blaze of septum-ruptured glory - leaving you , the survivor , to the spoils .