beginning of something
- …的初期

But this was just the beginning of something bigger !
The end of something old is a beginning of something new .
And moving towards the beginning of something new .
The event that occured at the beginning of something .
where one of my ancestors lived , because it was the beginning of something .
But I tell you that when you find yourself before this wall , it is the beginning of something new .
It could be the beginning of something very big for you . His promising career began to fall apart .
Everything which could affect this situation , if only on the surface , made him shudder like the beginning of something new .
For those graduating , it is the beginning of something new , another step towards independence and adulthood .
This divinely social trend is just the beginning of something bigger to come , dear Sagittarius .
The people you meet now , and the things you do , could be the beginning of something that matures in years to come .
You could say that the end of this cycle is in fact more a beginning of something entirely different to what you have been used to .
Maybe it was only the beginning of something better in life , better than you could ever have thought possible before clamping your avid jaws down over the vital bait .
The2001 meeting was the end of a decade of a work by all of us , that was not the beginning of something or the end of something , it was the middle of something .
One only has to look at the imagination and commitment of business people within the Chinese diaspora across the world to realise that the progress that has already been made by indigenous companies in world markets is the beginning of something very big indeed .
It 's the beginning of having something on your resume that might help you get that next job you want even more .
It 's the beginning of not hating that question , " What do you do ? " It 's the beginning of having something on your resume that might help you get that next job you want even more .