barn owl
- n.仓鸮(猫头鹰的一种,常筑巢于谷仓等建筑物上)

If you run into trouble , hoot twice like a barn owl and once like a brown owl . Twice like a barn owl .
The 10 most popular birds which have been voted for the by the public are the robin , kingfisher , barn owl , blue tit , wren , blackbird , puffin , mute swan , red kite and hen harrier .
A barn owl brought Neville a small package from his grandmother .
The common Barn owl is found worldwide except in Antarctica and Micronesia .
But the spectacular stunt failed when the barn owl , called Darcy , took to the rafters to enjoy an impromptu snooze .
Aunt Petunia was just passing around a box of after-dinner mints when a huge barn owl swooped through thedining room window , dropped a letter on Mrs. Mason 's head , and swooped out again .