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bang into

美 [bæŋ ˈɪntə]英 [bæŋ ˈɪntə]
  • v.碰上,撞上
bang intobang into
  1. I didn 't mean to bang into you


  2. The ball 's negative ! We 're gonna bang into it .


  3. The boy on the bicycle went bang into a telephone pole .


  4. The drunken driver drove bang into the store window .


  5. I turned the corner and walked slap bang into him .


  6. I didn 't expect to bang into him there .


  7. He ran bang into the pole ; ran slap into her .


  8. I walked slap bang into a herd of forty camels .


  9. Debris had broken windows , so every once in a while some floating battering ram a log or perhaps a table would bang into the walls and make a sound like a distant drum .


  10. So how did that amorphous Big Bang turn into our complex cosmos ?


  11. The teacher tried to bang grammar into the heads of his pupils .


  12. What lifts The Big Bang Theory into frequent excellence is its one constant from the start : the brilliantly nuanced performance of Jim Parsons .


  13. I can bang my head into my desk but I absolutely will not do it .


  14. All this is happening in fractions of a second , too small to detect it , but the Big Bang is moving into a critical stage now , a titanic battle between matter and the one thing that can destroy the Universe before it even gets started , anti-matter .


  15. In the house a door shuts with a bang , curtains billow into the room .


  16. In the house a door shuts with a bang , curtains billow into theroom .


  17. He was supposed to furl the side flaps in the morning . A door shuts with a bang and curtains billow into the room .


  18. The causes of splitting between Chu and Han are listed as follows : First , Shiang Yu hated Liu Bang for his entrance into Guang Chung earlier ;
