Tongue Sole
- 网络舌鳎;半滑舌鳎

Half-smooth tongue sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) is an important commercial fish , and has many strong points such as fast-growing in aquaculture .
Half-smooth tongue sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) is a rare marine flatfish and one of the most valuable fishes in Chinese coastal .
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Male Half-Smooth Tongue Sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) 's Androgen Receptor Gene
Food habits of stone flounder , spotted flounder , high-eyed flounder and red tongue sole in the Bohai Sea
But there are not sufficient SNP sites for the construction of genetic mapping or associate study owing to the lack of researches on SNPs of half-smooth tongue sole .
Half-smooth tongue sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) is an important economic fish in china , which has delicious taste with high nutritional value and grow fast in aquaculture .
Analysis of biochemical composition in the muscles of the wild and cultivated tongue sole ( . Cynoglossus semilaevis . G ü nther ) were conducted .
The Imperial came up with a recipe for gratin featuring prawns and tongue sole for Britain 's Queen Elizabeth when she visited in1975 .
The construction of genetic linkage maps ( 1 ) A first consensus AFLP-based genetic linkage map of half-smooth tongue sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) was constructed .
By searching GenBank database of half-smooth tongue sole , 150 sequences were obtained from . PCR primers were designed for 106 loci successfully , of which 65 loci showed polymorphic .
The contents of taste amino acid , including aspartic acid ( ASP ), glutamic acid ( Glu ), glycine ( Gly ), alanine ( Ala ), in the cultured tongue sole is lower than that in the wild fish .
Both the wild and cultivated tongue sole are rich in some minerals including rule and trace elements . The muscle of wild tongue sole has higher contents of Se and Zn than the cultured tongue sole , with a ratio of 7.92 % and 6.29 % , respectively .
The management mode is either the same as the one of which the mother tongue is as the sole medium of teaching , or only in the form of teaching and research project management interim response .