Shading Coefficient

美 [ˈʃeɪdɪŋ ˌkoʊɪˈfɪʃnt]英 [ˈʃeɪdɪŋ ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃnt]
  • 网络遮阳系数;明暗系数;遮蔽系数;热遮蔽系数
Shading CoefficientShading Coefficient
  1. With the shading coefficient of windows increasing , building energy consumption increase linearly .


  2. And the impact of shading coefficient on air-conditioning is more significantly than on heating energy consumption .


  3. Energy saving evaluation of the building glass system 's shading coefficient


  4. Resistance network for predicting the thermal conductivity of composite materials The dynamic experimental method on the total thermal resistance and the shading coefficient of fenestration systems


  5. The impact of shading coefficient of windows on the direction of energy consumption as follows : the West the East the North the South .


  6. In the study of the ventilation load , this paper focuses on studying the shading coefficient calculation methods of the fixed outside shade of ventilation season .
