Los Alamos
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Los Alamos National Laboratory personnel play leading roles worldwide in basic and applied scientific research and technology .
And has a wonderful career , and went to Los Alamos National Laboratory .
Optical damage research at Los Alamos
Its most unexpected government research partner may be the Los Alamos National Lab , the US defence technology research centre .
Further , all but one of the inventors are from Los Alamos , New Mexico .
Scientists at Los Alamos National Labs say they have been quietly operating a quantum Internet for the past two years .
Santa Fe is south of Los alamos .
Los Alamos National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have researched and developed the non-destructive accounting technology for many years .
went to lunch at Los Alamos National Laboratory and joined some colleagues there , and asked them a question :
Los Alamos physicists might call this " tickling the dragon 's tail . "
That he 's in custody outside Los alamos .
You worked in Los Alamos , didn 't you ?
The cover sat atop a shaft at an underground nuclear test site operated by Los Alamos as part of Operation Plumbbob .
The KIVA program developed by Los Alamos national lab of United States is introduced in this paper , and ALE is described .
Now , a team from Los Alamos National Labs in New Mexico has revealed that it has managed to work around some of these limitations .
He has worked as a researcher at Los Alamos and served as research assistant to the Chief Scientist of the Department of Transportation .
Meanwhile , at Los Alamos , we 're analyzing social media data and news sources from the same areas to determine if they align with the survey data .
The team at Los Alamos originally put the cost of scanning all the lorries coming into the United States at $ 1 billion a year .
Los Alamos initially helped P & G to regulate the production of the absorbent gel used in nappies , using theoretical data analysis systems developed for weapons technology .
Drinking Now / / 2011 Au Bon Climat Los Alamos Chardonnay , EUR24 ;
Around forty U.S. and South Korean officials and experts will participate in the drill at the Los Alamos National Laboratory , in the western U.S. state of New Mexico .
The ENIAC was flexible in a more serious way , and von Neumann had already discovered that it could be used , when ready , for Los Alamos problems .
It shows that the capability of evaluated data of beryllium sphere neutron multiplication adopted by ENDF / B - VI and Los Alamos are & % higher than experiment results .
The Santa Fe Complex is working with the University of New Mexico , The Santa Fe Institute , and the Los Alamos National Laboratory to create ambient environments focused on scientific visualization .
Since the conception of Ultra-wideband ( UWB ) radar was given first in the conference of Ultra-wideband radar in Los Alamos in 1990 , People have done a lot of research about it .
The study , in the journal Science , was carried out by an international group , including the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridgeshire and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico .
As a data scientist for Los Alamos National Laboratory , I study data from wide-ranging , public sources to identify patterns in hopes of being able to predict trends that could be a threat to global security .
On 14 April he wrote to R. Peierls at Los Alamos about the ' shock decay problem ' , saying that it could probably be mechanised , and adding that he was now also in touch with Aiken .
MICHELE KELEMEN , BYLINE : A former head of Los Alamos National Laboratories , Seigfried Hecker , is working on a book about the extraordinary cooperation between U.S. and Russian scientists in securing loose nuclear materials and upgrading former Soviet sites .
Los Alamos and other national laboratories that are home to some of the world 's largest supercomputers have the computational power augmented by machine learning and data analysis to take this information and shape it into a story that tells us not only about one state or even nation , but the world as a whole .