For example , at IESE business school in Barcelona , the average salary of students before embarking on the MBA in 2000 was 41222 .
Meanwhile , the way audiences expect to access arts content is also changing , something addressed in a course offered by IESE business school in Spain .
IESE business school in Spain has introduced an assessment day .
Prof Valor should know he holds the chair in information systems at IESE .
A class of 1997 graduate of IESE in Barcelona , he understood how case studies were used in business schools .
So she signed up for the International MBA at Chicago Booth , which involved study at both Bocconi in Italy and IESE business school in Spain .
While in the past corporations have often seen customised programmes as being better value for money than open enrolment ones , this can be a fallacy , says Eric Weber , Associate Dean at IESE business school in Barcelona .
At IESE business school in Barcelona , for example , companies in high tech and telecoms , luxury goods and pharmaceuticals top the list of recruiters for MBA graduates over the past year , replacing the traditional banking and consultancy firms .
This need for global management skills , which largely relates to the customised education market , is also fuelling growth in open-enrolment programmes , says Josep valor , Professor of information systems at IESE business school in Spain .