Hawthorne effect
- n.霍桑效应;霍桑效果

The Research of The Training Effect of " Hawthorne Effect " on The Teaching of Basketball Shooting
In order to prevent the Hawthorne effect , the teacher did not mention a word about the experiment to the students so that they did not need to work extremely hard to please her .
The general phenomenon is called the Hawthorne effect :
Perhaps policy makers can find a way to use the Hawthorne effect to everyone 's advantage .
So researchers collaborated with a utility to test for the Hawthorne effect in electricity use .
Let me explain how the Hawthorne effect got its name and ... well ... you 'll get the idea .
We believe that there is a Hawthorne Effect , says List , referring to the idea that people behave differently when studied , but there is little evidence of it in the actual Hawthorne data .
Inside academia , the Hawthorne Effect refers to the idea that people work hard once you start experimenting on them . Both beliefs are surprising enough to be interesting , while nicely confirming the prejudices of those who hold them .
In " The Scarlet Letter ", Hawthorne considered the effect on an individual 's character of guilty conscience , of hypocrisy , and of hatred .
Hospital management reflections and guides given by Hawthorne test and Catfish effect