Fold belt
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Microstructural Research on Deformation & Metamorphism of Late Proterozoic Fold Belt , North Margin of North China Platform
Antarctica can be divided into 2 big structural units , ie East antarctica shield and West Antarctica Mesozoic Cenozoic fold belt .
A preliminary study on the thrust and fold belt of the Xuzhou region
Slow slope fold belt & the soul of half graben rift
Rutile Ore Deposit Found in the East Qingling Fold Belt in Henan Province , China
Tectonic Characteristics of the Western Ordos Thrust Fold Belt and the Causes for Its North South Segmentation
The Folding Time of the Eastern Sichuan Jura-type Fold Belt : Evidence from Unconformity
Magmatic core complex in the Liaoning-Jilin-Korea Paleoproterozoic fold belt and its tectonic significance
Flow and Deformation Mechanisms of Hornblende Rocks from the Paleoproterozoic Fold Belt in Liaodong Peninsula
Evolution of the Qinling fold belt and the movement of the north and South China blocks : the evidence of Geology and Paleomagnetism
The paper interprets the Chongqing-Heishui gravity profile traversing the Dazu high gravity gravity field and the Longmen Mountains fold belt .
In late mid-Proterozoic , polystage fracturing and folding were happened during the process of fold belt uplifting .
The Formation of the salt tectonics in the Kuqa foreland fold belt may be controlled by compression , gravitational gliding and gravitational spreading .
While the Songpan-Ganzi Fold Belt was subjected to D_1-D_2 shortening , the adjacent Sichuan Basin remained undeformed .
The period of expansion and subduction results in rifting magmatism happened in back-arc basin along the Jiangnan fold belt of the South China Craton .
The potash lamprophyre belt of west Sichuan-Yunnan is located at the transitional zone between west margin of Yangtze platform and Sanjiang fold belt .
Iron ore deposits in upper reach of Yangluhe river are situated in the west Calidonian fold belt of the west Qilianshan mountain .
Gold deposits formed in Caledonian period , the second important gold mineralization period in South China , are widely distributed in South China Caledonian fold belt and adjacent Jiangnan rise .
Located in China-Mong0lia frontier area and Xing-Meng fold belt , Yin'e and Erlian are two rift basins with similar structure and sedimentary sequence .
The result shows that the principal motion is in NNW and generally orthogonal with the Tianshan fold belt , forming the squeeze to the Tianshan Mts.
It is a Meso - Cenozoic , terrestrial faulted saline lake basin , formed by tension and developed on the basement of Qinling fold belt .
The differentiation of fluid pressure structure should be caused by compression toward south from the Tianshan fold belt in the late period of the Himalaya cycle ( 5Ma ) .
Chaidam Basin locates in the triangle region that consists of Aerjin mountain , Qilian mountain and Kunlun mountain fault fold belt in the earth structure of China .
The raised and steep anticline in East Sichuan fold belt including West Hubei and East Chongqing is actually a regional large-scale kink structure formed by multiple strata series under vertically buckling effect .
In Mesozoic , the Proterozoic Sulu fold belt has undergone orogenic activization resulting in the intrusion of numerous granite bodies with broad development of metasomatic rocks .
Zijinshan rock body is located in Linxian-Liulin anticline belt of Jinxi flexual fold belt in east Ordos basin , which also belongs to Fenhe alkaline rock belt .
The data of ore lead are all located between the lines of mantle and fold belt , more exactly , are near to the mantle line , that means the ore lead came from the mantle .
Therefore , the central Jiangxi metamorphic belt belongs to the Cathaysian massif rather than the Caledonian fold belt of South China . This view has important significance for tectonic evolution and division of South China .
There are data of rock lead between the fold belt line and the upper lithosphere line , implying the derivation of rock lead from the granite formed by the remelting of the oldest crust .
Erlian Basin , a cluster of rift lake basins in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras developed on the base of the Hercynian fold belt , consists of50 sags in different scale .