Dietary Proteins

Effects of dietary proteins on metabolism of plasma lipids in rats
Effect of dietary proteins on neurotransmitters and histology in rat brain
Types of Dietary Proteins Influence Development of Somatostatin Neurons in Central Amygdala of Rats
Legume seed storage proteins constitute one of the three largest sources of dietary proteins on Earth .
Influence of Dietary Proteins on Contents of DNA , RNA and Protein , and Changes of Morphology in Brain
Evaluation of an association between gastrointestinal symptoms and cytokine production against common dietary proteins in children with autism spectrum disorders
A white crystalline amino acid that is essential for nutrition ; obtained by the hydrolysis of most dietary proteins .
Ideal protein was defined as an ideal balance of amino acids in dietary proteins and potential dietary proteins that could be utilized completely .
Dietary proteins ingested are digested and degraded into free amino acids and peptides in the gastrointestinal tracts of animals .
Objective To investigate the effects of different dietary proteins of fish meat and casein upon the progression of chronic renal failure ( CRF ) in spontaneously hypercholesterolemic ( SHC ) rats .
Rice protein is one of the major dietary proteins , and has been reported to have some physiological functions as hypocholesterolemic effect , etc. Rice protein has its own protein components , in which glutelin and prolamin are major storage proteins .
Because the melon contains carbohydrates , dietary fibers , proteins , fat and various vitamins and amino acids , the melon dewatering has high organic concentration , if the wastewater drained directly without treatment , it will cause the serious water pollution .
Although there was no significant difference on feed efficiency among all dietary protein treatments , feed efficiencies of all treatments were increased with the increasement of dietary proteins .