- 网络描述的使用;叙述性使用

In the author 's opinion , the trademark fair use in commercial area includes descriptive use , nominative use , and direct comparative advertising .
In the framework of RT , metaphor can be viewed as a descriptive use of language .
Relevance theory claims that communications fall naturally into two distinct modes of language use : descriptive use and interpretive use .
Today , politically incorrect terms like madness are unacceptable for descriptive use , but the relation of mental illness and intelligence remains a fruitful area of study for neuroscientists and psychologists .
The commercial fair use mainly includes descriptive fair use , nominative fair use and comparative advertising as fair use .
The concept of the descriptive fair use is not artificial , it exists objectively as the components of trademark are various .
In response to so many problems on theories and practices , it becomes more urgent for the domestic research on descriptive fair use system of trademark .
Trademark fair use can be classified with two types : Descriptive Fair Use and Nominative Fair Use , according to whether the mark using is in the trademark sense .
Trademark fair use be classified into five types , they are the descriptive fair use , indicative fair use , parody , news report and commentary and dictionary embodying .
There are provisions about this system in international convention and some west countries . It is divided into different types , descriptive fair use , indicative fair use and parody are all typical forms .
If a supplied domain is not suitable for a particular message format , you can write your own programmatic or descriptive parser for use by your own user-defined domain .
Full description consists of mastery of right descriptive methods and the use of suitable descriptive ways .