
  • 网络Dragon;spacex;SpaceX Dragon
  1. 58岁的克鲁斯明年将和《谍影重重》导演道格·里曼一起乘坐埃隆·马斯克的SpaceX公司和Axiom公司合作的龙飞船前往太空。

    The 58-year-old actor will be joined by " The Bourne Identity " director Doug Liman next year as part of Elon Musk 's Axiom SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule .

  2. 由SpaceX公司“猎鹰9号”火箭搭载的载人龙飞船原定周三下午发射升空,前往国际空间站,但发射在倒计时还剩16分钟时取消。

    The manned Crew Dragon spacecraft carried by the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket was set to on Wednesday afternoon for the International Space Station , but the launch was canceled with 16 minutes to go in the countdown .

  3. 没有人乘坐龙飞船出行,但造价达1000亿美元的太空实验室中已经有六名宇航员,他们会帮忙接收飞船、卸下供给物,并将要带回地球的东西装进太空船。

    No humans are traveling aboard the Dragon , but six astronauts are already at the $ 100-billion space lab to help the capsule latch on , to unload supplies and then restock the capsule with cargo to take back to Earth .

  4. 两名美国航空航天局宇航员将乘坐SpaceX的“龙”飞船前往国际空间站。

    Two NASA astronauts will fly on SpaceX 's Crew Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station .

  5. NASA表示,“龙”飞船预计将在发射约27小时32分钟后与空间站对接,时间是美国东部时间11月16日晚11点左右。

    The spacecraft is scheduled to dock to the space station about 27 hours and 32 minutes after the launch , around 11 pm EST Monday , according to NASA .

  6. 搭乘“龙”飞船“坚韧”太空舱前往国际空间站的宇航员分别为NASA宇航员迈克尔·霍普金斯、维克托·格洛弗、香农·沃克以及日本宇宙航空研究开发机构宇航员野口聪一。

    NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins , Victor Glover , and Shannon Walker , and astronaut Soichi Noguchi , of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency , are aboard the capsule Resilience .

  7. 在SpaceX公司的“龙”飞船与国际空间站对接后,美国宇航局宇航员鲍勃·本肯和道格·赫尔利抵达了国际空间站。

    NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley have arrived onboard the International Space Station after docking their SpaceX Crew Dragon .

  8. 美国东部时间11月15日晚7点27分,“龙”飞船搭乘SpaceX“猎鹰9”火箭从肯尼迪航天中心历史性的LC-39A发射台升空。

    The spacecraft lifted off on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket at 7:27 pm EST Sunday , from historic Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center .

  9. “龙”飞船送宇航员进太空

    SpaceX crew mission to ISS

  10. “猎鹰9号”火箭及“龙”飞船定于周三下午从肯尼迪发射中心发射升空。

    Liftoff of the Falcon 9 rocket and the spacecraft is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon from the Kennedy Launch Complex .

  11. 马斯克表示,他的龙2飞船内部空间至少得容得下一部运动型多用途车。

    And as Musk notes , the inside of his Dragon 2 rocket offers about as much space as a sport utility vehicle .

  12. 宇航乘客将被迫在14英尺乘12英尺的“龙”飞船里呆上一年半,舱里还挤满了供给,包括一吨多脱水食品和28公斤厕纸等等。

    They would be forced to spend a year and a half together in a 14ft x 12 ft Dragon space craft , accompanied by supplies ranging from more than a tonne of dehydrated food to 28kg of lavatory paper .

  13. 周日晚间,搭载着“龙”号飞船的猎鹰九号火箭,从佛罗里达州的卡那维拉尔角空军基地发射升空。

    The Falcon 9 Rocket , the so-called Dragon Capsule , lifted off from Cape Canaveral in Florida Sunday evening .

  14. “龙”号飞船为航天员运送衣服和食物,运回近2000磅的科学实验用品和旧仪器。

    It delivered clothes and food to the crew and picked up nearly 2000 pounds of science experiments and old equipment .

  15. 当天下午5时7分,该公司的“龙”货运飞船搭载“猎鹰9”火箭从佛罗里达州肯尼迪航空中心升空。

    The SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft lifted off on the Falcon 9 rocket at 5:07 pm from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida .

  16. 美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)向国际空间站发射了更新、更大版本的“龙”号补给飞船。

    SpaceX has launched a newer , bigger version of its Dragon supply ship to the International Space Station .

  17. “龙”号货运飞船由太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)制造,该公司是一家私营企业,运营国际空间站业务刚刚两个多星期。

    The Dragon cargo ship is made by SpaceX , a private company and just spent more than two weeks at the International Space Station .