
  1. 利用X射线衍射分析测定龙胜滑石矿中的石棉

    Analysis and test on asbestos of Longsheng talc deposit of Guangxi using X-ray diffraction

  2. 从龙胜旅游发展看加入WTO后政府的主导作用

    Seeing the Government 's Leading Role from Tourism Development of Longsheng County after China 's Entry of WTO

  3. 龙胜滑石矿晶体结构的Rietveld精修

    Rietveld refinement of the crystal structure of talc from Longsheng

  4. 龙胜县电网电压存在的问题及解决方法

    Problem of and solution for power grid voltage of Longsheng County

  5. 到贵州从江、广西龙胜写生;

    Sketch tour in Guizhou Province and Guangxi Zhuang Automous Region .

  6. 旅游资源评估中专家因素影响的实证研究&以龙胜旅游资源评估为例

    Expert Factor Influence on Estimation of Tourism Resources in Longsheng County

  7. 广西龙胜县林业工作站情况调查

    Investigation at the Forestry Workstations in Longsheng County of Guangxi

  8. 桂北龙胜地区剪切带型金矿找矿进展

    Prospecting of shear zone type gold deposit in Longsheng area Northern Guangxi

  9. 县域旅游资源开发价值评价实证研究&以广西龙胜各族自治县为实证

    Empirical research on appraisal of value of tourism resource development

  10. 广西龙胜县民族体育旅游资源开发研究

    A Study of Exploitation of the Ethnic Sport-tourism in Longsheng of Guangxi

  11. 龙胜民俗旅游资源的开发与前景

    The exploitation and the prospects of folk custom tourism resources in Longsheng County

  12. 方法对我市龙胜镇一起麻疹爆发用流行病学方法进行分析。

    Method A case of measles outbreak in Longshen Town was investigated by epidemiological method .

  13. 岩石地球化学分析表明,龙胜蛇绿岩既不同于洋壳型蛇绿岩,又有别于岛弧型蛇绿岩,龙胜也不存在所谓的洋壳型和岛弧型两种蛇绿岩共存的现象。

    Geochemical study shows that Longsheng ophiolite is different from both oceanic and arc type ophiolites .

  14. 旅游影响中的龙胜侗族民间歌舞及文化变迁

    The Fold Song and Dance and Cultural Changes of Dong Nationality with the Influence of Tourism

  15. 1949年以前,不仅龙胜完全没有现代工业,就整个广西来说,工业也是非常落后。

    Before 1949 , there was no modern industry in Longsheng County even whole Guangxi province .

  16. 民族旅游节庆策划研究&以桂林龙胜各族自治县为例

    Planning of Festivals for Nationality Tourism

  17. 龙胜下着雨。即便如此,这里也很美丽,而且很安宁。

    Longsheng in the rain * even so , it is a beautiful and peaceful place .

  18. 第二部分着重分析20世纪90年代以来,龙胜县职业教育实践探索及所取得的成效。

    The second part focuses on the practicing search and achievement in Longsheng County since 1990s .

  19. 龙胜上朗滑石矿区复杂地层钻进的经验

    Experience of drilling in complex strata in Shang Lang talc mine in Long Sheng county , Guangxi

  20. 广西龙胜县里骆林场杉木人工林生态系统的水量结构、分配与平衡

    The Water Constitution , Distribution and Balance of Cunninghamia lanceolata Artificial Forest Ecosystem in Longsheng of Guangxi

  21. 桂北龙胜地区基性超基性岩的变形分解构造及其大地构造意义

    The deformation partitioning structure of BASIC-ULTRABASIC rocks in Longsheng area of North Guangxi and its Geotectonic Significance

  22. 广西北部龙胜地区丹洲群广泛发育一套细碧岩和镁铁-超镁铁质岩石。

    A large number of spilitic and mafic ultramafic rocks exist in the Longsheng region of northern Guangxi .

  23. 基于和谐管理理论的县域旅游发展有效性分析&以广西龙胜县为例

    Analysis on Effectiveness of County Tourism Development Based on Harmonious-Management Theory & Taking Longsheng county as an example

  24. 随着龙胜县乡村旅游的快速发展,一些影响其可持续发展的问题逐渐显现出来。

    Along with the rapid development of rural tourism in Longsheng county , some problems that affect its continuous development appear .

  25. 桂北龙胜剪切带型金矿划分为石英脉型、石英薄脉型和石英细脉网脉型金矿。

    Longsheng shear zone type gold deposit is divided into quartz vein type , fine quartz vein type and quartz stockwork type deposit .

  26. 加大龙胜旅游的深层次发展,提高其经济效益,对促进民族县域旅游业的发展有重要意义。

    Enhancing the in-depth development of tourism in Longsheng and improving its economic returns are of great significance to promoting the development of tourism in the minority counties .

  27. 在“长城、王朝与河流之旅”中,游客可以在金山岭长城徒步,穿越龙胜梯田附近的村庄;

    On the Great Wall , Dynasties and Rivers trip , guests will hike the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall and through villages in the rice terraces of Longsheng ;

  28. 广西壮族自治区龙胜各族自治县和平乡龙脊村,作为“龙脊十三寨”最有代表的一个壮族村落,我们可以看到许多传统的婚姻生育民俗仍然保存着。

    As the most representative village of the thirteen traditional Zhuang nationality villages , Longji village , the village of Longsheng in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region remains a lot of customs .

  29. 我在发动机下放了护拦板,防止发动机在启动时撞到崎岖的路面,但这护拦板在去往龙胜的路上损坏了,需要维修。

    The protection plate we put under the engine to protect it from begin hit on rough roads needs to be repaired since it was damaged on the way to Longsheng .

  30. 本研究采取了定点调查的方法,选取了龙胜县3个中学的180名教师,发放问卷180份,收回问卷180份,有效问卷180份。

    This study adopted a fixed-point survey method ; we selected 3 secondary school 180 teachers in county of Longsheng , and withdrew the questionnaires of 180 , the effective questionnaire survey of 180 copies .