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  1. 依据考古学的基本原理我们把残破的城墙分为三期,分别为龙山时期、商代晚期、东周时期,重新修订了东安故城的年代。

    According to the principle of archaeology , the era of earth wall can be divided into three periods , namely longshan period , late Shang Dynasty and Eastern Zhou Dynasty , also can be the evidence to revise the chronology of Dongan Ancient City .

  2. 龙山文化时期已产生了阶级的雏形。

    Classes appeared in an embryonic form as early as the age of the Longshan culture .

  3. 据考证,这里早在中原龙山文化时期就有人类活动迹象。

    There are traces of early man living here in the period of Longshan Culture .

  4. 在龙山文化时期,最初的原始文字形成了。

    In the era of Longshan culture , the initial primitive characters came into being .

  5. 到龙山文化时期,海岱地区的南部和东部沿海一带,已经形成了一定规模的稻作农业经济。

    The coastal region of East and South in Haidai region had formed a scale rice raising agriculture during the Longshan period .

  6. 石峁出土的126件玉器就是龙山文化时期鬼玉的珍贵遗产,其中的黑玉圭、璋等玉器是其中具有代表性的玉器。

    126 jades unearthed from Shimao and produced in the Longshan cultural period are precious examples of Gui jades , and among them we find black jade Gui , zhang and other representative jade items .

  7. 以二十世纪五十年代半坡遗址的发现和发掘为肇始,五十余年的田野工作,发现了大量仰韶文化时期至龙山文化时期的聚落遗址。目前,学术界就文明起源问题讨论得非常激烈。

    Since the Banpo site explored in the fifty years of twentieth century , the field work in half a century had found a large number of the Yangshao Culture to the Longshan Culture period settlement sites . Recently , the academic discussion focus on the origin of civilization .

  8. 认为龙山时代至夏时期文化交流的主要原因是战争和自然灾害等所引起的人口迁徙。

    That the Longshan Culture period to the xia dynasty is mainly due to wars and natural disasters caused by population movements caused .

  9. 从黄河中下游地区目前已知的龙山文化遗址分析,龙山文化时期没有发现大的文化断层。

    Analyses into the Longshan Culture known to us at present have found no big cultural faults .