
  1. 把软管接在龙头上,打开水龙头。

    Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the tap .

  2. 比尔把喇叭夹紧在脚踏车的龙头上。

    Bill clamped the horn to the handlebar of his bicycle .

  3. 把水管接到龙头上,再把水打开。

    Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the water .

  4. 我不小心把壶撞到龙头上打破了。

    I carelessly knocked the jug against the tap and broke it .

  5. 你不可以将鳄鱼拴在消防龙头上。

    You cannot chain your alligator to a fire hydrant .

  6. 只有一股细小的水流从龙头上滴淌下来。

    Only a trickle of water came from the faucet .

  7. 防水密封接头挠性管把水管接在龙头上,打开水龙头。

    FLEXIBLE CONDUIT WITH WATER-PROOF PACKING GLAND Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the tap .

  8. 但同时应该看到,很多外资企业在进入中国时直接将并购目标锁定在我国各行业的龙头上,并试图通过并购直接获得市场上的支配地位。

    But we should see that the foreign investors directly target on various industry leaders to try to win the dominant position in the marketplace .

  9. 要把龙头关上。

    Don 't leave the taps running , ie turn them off .

  10. 龙头拧上了,但还在滴水。

    The tap is off , but it is still dripping water .

  11. 夹圈或紧固圈,钢制,用来将挠性管紧固在刚性管道、龙头等上

    Collar clamping or tightening , of steel , used to clamp flexible tubing to rigid piping , taps etc

  12. 龙头山上龙卷风&中铁十七局四公司龙头山隧道施工纪实

    Tornado over the Dragon Head Mountain On-the-spot Report of Construction of Dragon Head Mountain Tunnel by CR 17 BG No. 4 Company

  13. 飞旋在主人公王龙头顶上的乌鸦这一细节自《大地》问世以来很少引起人们的关注。

    Since the publication of The Good Earth , scarce attention has been paid to the detail of a flock of crows whirring and cawing over the head of Wang Long , the protagonist .

  14. n.龙头她关上水龙头,把手擦干。

    She turned off the tap and dried her hands .

  15. 农业龙头企业总体上规模偏小且盈利水平不高,绝大多数省市级农业龙头企业目前尚未建立起自身的技术创新体系,技术创新能力不强。

    Agricultural leading enterprises ' general scale is small and the level of profitability is not high . The vast majority of provincial and municipal agricultural leading enterprises have not established their own systems for technological innovation and their innovation technology is not strong .

  16. 展望后危机时代世界经济,挑战与机遇并存,中国经济能否成为引领后危机时代的龙头,很大程度上取决于金融市场的大力发展,取决于金融市场效率的提高。

    Looking the world economy in post-crisis era , challenges and opportunities exist . Whether Chinese economy could become the leader in the post-crisis era , largely depends on the level of financial market development , and depends on the efficiency of financial market .