
chǐ yín yīn
  • alveolar;alveolar/apical/supradental sound
  1. 从发音部位来看,英语和朝鲜语的塞音都可分为双唇音(bilabial)、齿龈音(alveolar)以及软腭音(velar)。

    In terms of articulation place , stops in both English and Korean fall into three categories : bilabial , alveolar and velar .

  2. 大声的从打牙齿间用里迸出d音,齿龈下露出z音,剩下的音则消失在喉咙的回音中。

    Loud with the propped strongly on the z teeth , the escaping from under the gums and then the rest of the word lost in the echo of the throat .