  • mouse;rat

shǔ ní
  • murine opossum;mouse opossum
  • 哺乳动物的一科,门齿终生持续生长,常借啮物以磨短,繁殖迅速,种类甚多,有的能传播鼠疫等病原,并为害农林草原,盗食粮食,破坏贮藏物、建筑物等(俗称“耗子”):老~。~胆。~目寸光。投~忌器。~辈。

  • 隐忧:~思。


(老鼠) mouse; rat:

  • 褐鼠

    sewer rat;

  • 家[田]鼠

    house [meadow] mouse;

  • 野鼠

    field [wood] mouse

[shǔ ní]
  1. 他们称她为“鼠小姐”,因为她总是那么懦弱谦和。

    They called her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild .

  2. 鼠肝细胞癌变中DNA甲基化作用的研究

    Studies on DNA methylation in transformed mouse liver cells

  3. 这只鼠掘洞钻进沙里。

    The rodent burrowed its way into the sand .

  4. 那只棕鼠两只耳朵向前支着,一条长尾巴布满鳞片。

    The brown rat has prominent ears and a long scaly tail .

  5. 该市处于鼠患的威胁之下。

    The city is under threat from a plague of rats

  6. 那只土拨鼠挖洞钻入了土里。

    The groundhog burrowed into the earth .

  7. 这包米给鼠啮虫咬了。

    This sack of rice was destroyed [ bit ] by rats and insects .

  8. 鼠蚤会把疾病传染给人。

    Rat-fleas communicate a disease to man .

  9. 弟兄俩站在死鼠跟前,用又是吃惊又是赞叹的口气谈论着。

    The two brothers stood over the dead rat and spoke in tones of awed admiration .

  10. 他生肖属鼠。

    He was born in the year of the rat ( i.e.1924 , 1936 , 1948 , 1960 , 1972 , 1984 , 1996 , or2008 ) .

  11. 到了第三年,兔子和土拨鼠又回来了。

    By year three , the rabbits and the groundhog were back .

  12. 如果不许实验鼠睡觉,它们就会在一个月内死去。

    When lab rats are not allowed to sleep , they die within a month .

  13. 喂它们的时候,我注意到一只曾经逃跑的土拨鼠现在对这种食物状况产生了明显的兴趣。

    While I was feeding them , I noticed that a groundhog who used to run away was now taking an noticed interest in this food situation .

  14. 所以有一天,为了看看土拨鼠会怎么做,我轻轻地把一个东西放在它的头上。它还是没有动。

    So one day , just to see what she would do , I gently placed one on top of the groundhog 's head . Again , not a move .

  15. 我小心翼翼地伸出一根长长的胡萝卜,眼睛盯着那些牙齿。很快,我就会偶尔让土拨鼠坐在兔子身边一起啃胡萝卜。

    I carefully extended a long carrot , with a keen eye on those teeth , and before long , there were times I would have the groundhog sitting next to a rabbit , both munching on carrots .

  16. 土拨鼠仍然不介意我挠她的背。然后我有了一个想法:我切胡萝卜片时,总觉得胡萝卜的尾部看起来像一个帽子。

    The groundhog still didn 't have a problem with me scratching her back , and I got an idea , I 'd always thought , while slicing up carrots , that the end looked like a cap .

  17. 目的:设计基于MSP430的用于大鼠癫痫实验的电刺激器

    Objective To design electrical stimulator for epileptic rats experiment based on MSP430 .

  18. 墨西哥努力拯救濒危的鼠海豚。

    Mexico strives to save endangered porpoise .

  19. 天气转暖使人们担心垃圾腐烂会引起疾病传播和鼠群猖獗

    The arrival of warm weather raises the specter of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage .

  20. 城南,有一户人家闹鼠患,老鼠成群结队,到处横行。

    In the south of the city , one house was plagued with rats . The rats ran amuck .

  21. 在印度洋上的热带岛屿查戈斯群岛上,鸟叫声遍布这个无鼠地带。

    On the tropical Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean , this is the sound of rat-free territory – teeming1 with birdlife .

  22. 现在,对过去十年中在英国各地被冲上岸的数百只港湾鼠海豚的研究,又引起了人们对雄性生殖能力的担忧。

    Now , research on hundreds of harbour porpoises washed up around the UK over the past decade raises concerns about male fertility too .

  23. 英国伦敦动物学会的科学家们表示,暴露在含有多氯联苯的环境下的港湾鼠海豚睾丸较小,这表明多氯联苯对其精子数和生殖能力有所影响。

    Scientists at the Zoological Society of London say harbour porpoises exposed to PCBs had smaller testicles , suggesting an effect on sperm3 count and fertility .

  24. 研究人员评估了将人类心脏(取自不适合移植的器官)和大鼠心脏的细胞暴露于这两种分子的影响。

    Researchers assessed the impact of exposing cells from human hearts ( taken from organs that were unsuitable for transplants ) and rat hearts to the two molecules .

  25. 家用超声波驱鼠(猫)器等电子设备也会使人出现恶心、眩晕、疲倦、胃痛以及头痛等症状。

    Even electronic devices designed to scare away mice and cats could be triggering symptoms such as nausea4 , dizziness , and tiredness , stomach pain , and headaches .

  26. 开放式办公室中的员工在听到喧哗的声响或者其他声音时,总忍不住在格子间抬头张望,观察四周的动静,这就是“土拨鼠效应”。

    Prairie-dogging refers to the practice of workers in an open-plan office raising their heads above the partitions1 surrounding their desks when they hear a loud voice or other noise .

  27. 尽管在20世纪80年代,多氯联苯已被禁用,但这种化学物质需要很长时间才会分解,而且会滞留在海洋中,在鲸鱼、海豚和鼠海豚的鲸脂中积聚。

    They were banned in the 1980s , but the chemicals take a long time to break down and can linger in the oceans , accumulating in the blubber of whales , dolphins and porpoises1 .

  28. 接着,他们把实际的传播过程与计算机模拟生成的三类爆发情况做了比较。这三类爆发分别是由鼠蚤传播、经空气传播以及依靠人类身上寄生的跳蚤和虱子传播的模拟情况。

    They then compared the actual spread to three computer-simulated outbreaks : One where the disease was transmitted by rat fleas1 , one where it was airborne and another that modelled the transmission by fleas and lice that live on humans and their clothes .

  29. 这个官员一见金鼠,很是高兴,说:“你们知道吗?过几天,我的夫人也要过生日了,她是属‘牛’”。

    The official was very pleased at the sight of the gold rat and said : " Do you know ? In a few days my wife will celebrate her birthday too . She was born in the year of ' the ox ' " .

  30. 他手下的一个小官听说他属“鼠”,为了巴结他,铸了一只金鼠作为寿礼,登门祝寿。

    A small official under him heard that he was born in the year of " the rat " . To curry2 the official 's favour , he had a gold rat cast as a birthday present and went to the official 's house to congratulate him on his birthday .