
  1. 第六章基于4P营销理论提出了湖南黑茶企业的营销策略。

    Chapter ⅵ proposed the marketing strategies of Hunan dark tea based on the 4P marketing theory .

  2. 第三章基于SWOT矩阵和五力竞争模型,结合对湖南黑茶企业的问卷调查数据,对湖南黑茶的产业现状进行了分析。

    Chapter ⅲ analyzed the current situation of Hunan dark tea industry based on the SWOT matrix and Five Competitive Forces model , with the data from survey .

  3. 黑木耳亲本、单核、杂交菌株鉴定的研究中国黑茶对FXR及LXR核受体的作用

    Study on Identification of Parent Monocaryon and Hybrid Stains in Auricularia auricula Study on the Activity of Dark Tea Extracts to FXR and LXR Model

  4. 对于绿茶多酚(GTP)和马里黑茶多酚(MBTP)的提取,用了不同的提取溶剂,从中选出了最好的提取溶剂。

    For extraction of green tea polyphenol ( GTP ) and Malian black tea polyphenol ( MBTP ), different extraction solvents were used to identify the best extraction solvent .

  5. 随着现代制茶技术的发展,传统黑茶已急剧减少。东方传统文化与世界科技发展

    The Traditional Orient Culture and the Development of Global Science and Technology

  6. 基于单片机控制的液压式黑茶紧压机械的设计

    Design of a Single Chip Microcomputer Hydraulic Dark Green Tea Press Machine

  7. 四川黑茶品质化学成分的研究

    Studies on the Quality Chemical Components in Sichuan Brick Tea

  8. 红茶饮料的研制黑茶微生物学研究进展

    Study on Black Tea Drink Development of Black Tea Microbiology

  9. 黑茶渥堆(堆积发酵)过程中微生物种群的变化

    Variation of the Microorganism Groups During the Pile-fermentation of Dark Green Tea

  10. 黑茶初制中主要酶类的变化

    Dynamics of the Major Enzymes During the Primary Processing of Dark Green Tea

  11. 论黑茶品质及风味形成机理

    Discussion on the Mechanism of Quality and Flavour Formation of Dark Green Tea

  12. 日本黑茶源于中国。

    The Japanese Compressed tea originated from China .

  13. 中国黑茶贸易与传播

    The Trade & Dissemination of China Dark Tea

  14. 黑茶是中国特有的传统茶品。

    Black tea is one of traditional and unique tea products made in China .

  15. 安化黑茶文化底蕴深厚,千年茶史可圈可点。

    Anhua dark tea has a rich culture background in the long tea history .

  16. 黑茶山林区林业产业结构调整的初步研究

    Research on Structural Adjustment of Forestry Industry

  17. 茯砖黑茶“中国古丝绸之路上的神秘之茶”。

    Fu Brick Dark Tea , the mysterious tea from China 's ancient Silk Road .

  18. 无论是红茶、绿茶、白茶还是青茶、黑茶都有保健作用。

    Whether black , green , white or green tea , black tea has health benefits .

  19. 从黑茶原料革新的角度来说,这是划时代的黑茶茶品。

    From the perspective of the innovative raw materials , these are the products with collection value .

  20. 我国民间有利用老黑茶治疗腹胀、痢疾、不消食的传统。

    In China , people keep the tradition to utilize dark tea to cure dysentery and indigestion .

  21. 黑茶中的茶多糖复合物是降血糖的主要成分。

    The tea polysaccharide contained in dark tea is the major element that can reduce blood sugar .

  22. 这种树丰收时,可以用不同的方式制作成绿茶或黑茶。

    The plant is harvested and treated in different ways to produce green tea or black tea .

  23. 黑茶是全发酵和手工制作的,有世界茶王之称。

    Dark tea , which is100 % fermented and and crafted , is the King of all teas .

  24. 此后,安化黑茶主销西北茶市数百年。

    Since then , the business of Anhua dark tea continued in the Northwest for hundreds of years .

  25. 有数百年来为治边、贸边加强民族团结做出重大贡献的黑茶。

    Has Hei Cha , which has devoted to strengthen nations comity for hundreds years as boarder trade product .

  26. 结果发现,不同黑茶中脂溶性色素的组成及含量上差异很大。

    Results showed that the composing and content of lipid-soluble pigments in Dark tea were different from each other .

  27. 四川边茶(康砖)是黑茶的一个主要品种,所含茶多酚与绿茶和红茶不同。

    Sichuan brick tea ( Kang Zhuan ) contains different tea polyphenols from those of green tea and black tea .

  28. 几种压制黑茶汤色和滋味与化学成分间关系的初探

    A study on the relations between the colour and taste of the tea liquors and chemical substances in brick tea

  29. 另外,黑茶还能改善肠道微生物环境,具有顺肠胃的功能。

    Besides , dark tea can improve the microorganism environment of intestines and stomach and clean up intestines and stomach .

  30. 由此可见绿茶、青茶、红茶和黑茶中原花青素、茶多酚与抗氧化性能力成正比,随着浓度升高,抗氧化性增强。

    This shows that proanthocyanidins , tea polyphenols and antioxidant capabilities in direct proportion with the concentration , increased antioxidant activity .