
  • 网络Black Fox
  1. 应用银黑狐精液改良蓝狐配种技术

    Breeding Technique of Improve Blue Fox Using Silver Fox ′ s Semen

  2. 像其他果蝠和吸血蝙蝠一样,黑狐蝠不依赖回声定位。

    Like other fruit bats and vampire bats , black flying foxes don 't rely on echolocation .

  3. 银黑狐的骨胳由头骨、躯干骨和四肢骨组成。

    The skeleton of a silver fox consists of skull , and bones of trunk and free members .

  4. 它们是壮观的景象,但这些黑狐蝠只是无害的大蝙蝠,是世界上最大的蝙蝠。

    They 're an imposing sight , but these black flying foxes are just big harmless bats , thebiggest in the world .

  5. 黑狐蝠宝宝在第一个月不能飞,这意味着妈妈们必须带着它们,即使它们在空中时。

    The black flying fox babies can 't fly for the first month , which means the moms have to carry them , even when they become airborne .