
fū qū
  • Bran starter;mouldy bran
麸曲[fū qū]
  1. 在酿酒生产试用中,加红曲霉M-6生产的麸曲发酵酒比对照酒己酸乙酯高2倍多;

    Ethyl caproate content in fermenting liquor ( produced by addition of M-6 ) was over two times of that in contrast liquor .

  2. 利用醋渣作填充料酿造麸曲食醋的探讨

    Probe into using residue as additive material in vinegar brewing process

  3. 应用酒糟降低麸曲生产成本的报告

    Report on Application of Distiller 's Spent Grains to Reduce Production Cost

  4. 生料麸曲酿醋工艺探讨

    The craft study of vinegar by bran koji mathod

  5. 食醋生产用麸曲制作设备与工艺操作

    Equipment and Process on Producing Moldy Bran for Vinegar

  6. 黄曲霉液&固两步法生产麸曲的初探

    Research on the Production of Bran Starter with Aspergillus Flavus by Liquid-solid Two-steps Method

  7. 根霉的糖化力很强,可代替曲霉作麸曲使用。

    Rhizopus could be used instead of aspergillus as bran starter for its strong saccharifying power ;

  8. 糖化麸曲醋渣制取高还原糖含量原料的研究

    Study on saccharifying the residue of bran koji vinegar to make the material with high reducing sugar content

  9. 目前我国食醋生产普遍采用固态发酵法,利用麸曲作为糖化剂。

    Solid state fermentation using mould bran as saccharifying agent is popularly adopted in vinegar manufacturing in this country .

  10. 介绍了麸曲白酒生产过程中酵母从斜面培养到成熟酒母的具体制作过程。

    The specific process of yeast cultivation from slant culture to mature starter during koji liquor production is introduced .

  11. 在黄曲霉菌生长麸曲中添加植酸比在连续培养3代的斜面培养基中加入植酸糖化酶活力提高幅度更大;

    By adding PA , the activity of glucoamylase raised higher in bran more than in three continuous cultivation medium .

  12. 清香型麸曲白酒生产中的糖化酶菌种一般采用AS3.4309。用它生产的麸曲简称快曲。

    The Strain AS 3.4309 which can produce glucoamylase is generally used to prepare leaven in the production of white spirit .

  13. 用麸曲法室温保藏木霉、曲霉和青霉等12属共216株,存活率因种而异。

    The conservation of 12 genera . 216 strains of molds at room temperature for 16 yrs was carried out by moldy bran method .

  14. 本文研究了应用复合风味蛋白酶及麸曲酸性蛋白酶、麸曲糖化酶水解黄酒糟生产特鲜酱油的技术。

    Application of flavourzyme , acidic proteinase and glucoamylase of moldy bran in hydrolyzing yellow wine lees into very tasty soybean sauce is studied in this article .

  15. 添加了麸曲酱香型酒作为调香调味酒,乙缩醛和糠醛的含量都相对较高,故后味悠长。

    By reason of the addition of bran starter Maotai-flavor liquor as blending liquor , higher acetal content and furaldehyde content developed , which resulted in long aftertaste .

  16. 产酶的适宜条件为:培养温度30℃,初始pH3.0&3.5,麸曲初始含水量75%。

    The optimal conditions for enzyme production were incubation temperature of 30 ℃, initial pH value of 3.0 to 5.5 , moisture level of 75 % and incubation time of 4 to 5 days .

  17. 分别接种于麸曲培养基上,待长出孢子后,将麸曲固体基质经冷冻真空干燥处理,然后利用振动筛将孢子粉和麸皮等固体基质分开,得到孢子粉。

    We inoculated them in the bran medium for spores growing . The bran solid matrix was dealt with through freeze vacuum drying process , then separating the spore powder from wheat bran solid substrate using shaker .

  18. 在固态酿酒发酵中,通过考察麸皮培养基的配比、培养温度、湿度、培养时间及通风量等,确定了制备新型优质麸曲粗酶制剂的最佳发酵工艺。

    Through investigation of mixing ratio , culture temperature , humidity , culturing time and ventilated air quantity of wheat bran medium in solid brewery fermentation , an optimum fermentation process was found to prepare a novel type of moldy bran crude enzymic preparation .