
  • 网络Mckinley;william mckinley;J.C.Mckinley;MT.Mckinley
  1. n.攀登;上升中国登山者成功地攀登了北美的麦金利山。

    ascent Chinese mountain climbers made a successful ascent of Mt. McKinley in North America .

  2. 布莱克将在剧中扮演新加入麦金利高中橄榄球队的队员,名叫莱德。他和芬(Finn,柯瑞蒙特斯/CoryMonteith饰)将会结下坚固的友情,剧迷们可以翘首以盼。

    Hell be playing a new McKinley football jock named Ryder , and fans can expect Ryder to form a fast friendship with Finn ( Cory Monteith ) .

  3. 在此之前,《欢乐合唱团》的主创RyanMurphy曾透露在第三季,某几个主要角色将从麦金利高中毕业。

    The casting news comes on the heels of a recent promise from creator Ryan Murphy that some of the show 's main characters would graduate by the end of season three .

  4. 在枪击总统麦金利后,Czolgosz解释了他为什么这样做。

    After shooting President McKinley , Czolgosz explained why he had done it .

  5. 所有的控告都撤回了,麦金利无可指责的品德得到承认。

    All complaints were withdrawn , acknowledging mckinley 's irreproachable character .

  6. 我听说了你退出了麦金利探险队的事。

    So I heard you pulled yourself off the McKinley expedition .

  7. 麦金利山倾斜向上直达6197.6米(20320英尺)

    Mount McKinley rises to 6,197.6 meters ( 20,320 feet ) .

  8. 麦金利也是被一枝德林格射出的子弹杀死的。

    McKinley was also killed by bullets from a Derringer .

  9. 这场争论还没有解决麦金利就遇刺了。

    The controversy was not resolved when McKinley was assassinated .

  10. 但是他处理问题的方式就像麦金利那么陈旧。

    But his approach is as old as McKinley .

  11. 总统麦金利认为西班牙应该自行离开来荣耀它的承诺。

    President McKinley felt Spain should be left alone to honor its promises .

  12. 麦金利8天后死于坏疽。

    McKinley died of gangrene eight days later .

  13. 他对麦金利怀有令人难以置信的怨恨。

    He had been incredibly rancorous toward mckinley .

  14. 迄今,罗梅罗已征服了非洲(最高峰)乞力马扎罗山和阿拉斯加州的麦金利山其它几座高山。

    Romero has already climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mount McKinley in Alaska among others .

  15. 一位旁观者打倒了杀害麦金利的凶手并解除了他的武器,他的名字也叫约翰·帕克。

    The bystander who struck down and disarmed McKinley 's assassin was also named John Parker .

  16. 起先,总统麦金利要西班牙交出吕宋岛也就是菲律宾的主要的岛屿。

    At first , President McKinley wanted Spain to give up only Luzon , the main island .

  17. “这是一个良性的异常,孩子长大了出来,”麦金利博士说。

    " It 's a benign abnormality and children grow out of it ," said Dr McKinlay .

  18. 美国有一位总统在这个新的力量中胸有成竹地工作:那就是威廉麦金利。

    And this new power had a president with the political skills to do the job : William McKinley .

  19. 摩根麦金利向150多名“领先金融服务企业的招聘经理”询问了未来一年的招聘计划。

    More than 150 " leading financial services hiring managers " were asked about their recruitment intentions over the next year .

  20. 会在上午出现,带着大草帽,驱赶着我们到麦金利山上采摘接骨木果。

    Hunsicker would appear of a morning in her big straw hat and drag us off " berrying " on Mount McKinley .

  21. 在1901年9月,麦金利总统在纽约布法罗的泛美博览会上做了主要政策演讲。

    In September , nineteen-oh-one , President McKinley made a major foreign policy speech at the Pan-American Fair in Buffalo , New York .

  22. 麦金利挑探戈舞蹈就是这样,既有趣,涉及一系列复杂的动作,可提高平衡。

    McKinley picked the tango , a dance that 's both fun to do and involves a series of complex moves that can improve balance .

  23. 麦金利总统,在没有等待参议院行动的情况下,命令马尼拉的美国军事管制政府把它的控制扩展到了整个的菲律宾。

    President McKinley , without waiting for the Senate to act , ordered the American military government in Manila to extend its control throughout the Philippines .

  24. 摩根麦金利进行的另一项调查发现,三分之二的受访者预计,由于整个银行业出台削减成本举措,今年薪资水平将有所下降。

    Another Morgan McKinley survey found that two thirds of respondents were expecting pay to fall this year as a result of cost saving across the banking industry .

  25. 调查表明,他们将在空间站下降风险较低,收益显老,体弱的人可以打破了腰,从不完全复原,麦金利说。

    That finding suggests they 'd be at less risk of falling , a significant gain for older , frail people who can break a hip and never fully recover , McKinley says .

  26. 摩根麦金利表示,今年1月份它们提出同样的问题时,约有24%的招聘经理预期招聘人数将增加,只有22%的人预期将出现下降。

    When the same question was asked in January , some 24 per cent of recruitment managers expected hiring to rise , compared with just 22 per cent forecasting a fall , said the recruitment company .