
yīng zuǐ dòu
  • Chickpea;chick peas
  1. 鹰嘴豆有独特可口的坚果风味。

    Chick peas have a distinctive , delicious and nutty flavour .

  2. 把鹰嘴豆放在开水中煮,并加入大蒜和柠檬汁。

    Boil the chick peas , add garlic and lemon juice

  3. 4种提取鹰嘴豆基因组DNA方法的比较

    Comparison of Four Methods of DNA Extraction from Chickpea

  4. 玉米和羽扇豆、鹰嘴豆间作对作物吸收积累Pb、Cd的影响

    Absorption and accumulation of Pb , Cd by corn , lupin and chickpea in intercropping systems

  5. 结果:(1)20种植物中均含有MT,其中鹰嘴豆,肉苁蓉,阿魏菇及伊贝母4种植物中含量较高。

    Result : ( 1 ) twenty plants all contain MT.

  6. 鹰嘴豆PAL具有一定的耐热性,最适温度为大约43℃。

    Gram chickpea PAL has certain thermostability .

  7. 同时,还讨论了不同分隔/间作方式对羽扇豆和鹰嘴豆Pb、Cd含量的影响。

    The changes in concentrations of Pb and Cd in lupin and chickpea plants under different intercropping systems and different separation modes were also discussed .

  8. 研究了蛋白质浓度、加油量、pH及离子强度对鹰嘴豆分离蛋白的乳化活力及乳化稳定性的影响。

    The effects of protein 's concentration , oil volume , pH and ionic strengths on emulsifying activity ( EA ) and emulsion stability ( ES ) of the Chickpea protein isolates were studied .

  9. 印度监管机构远期市场委员会(forwardmarketscommission)奉国大党领导的联合政府之命,昨日暂停了马铃薯、豆油、橡胶及鹰嘴豆期货交易,暂停时间至少4个月。

    The regulator , the forward markets Commission , acting under instruction from the Congress party-led coalition government , suspended futures trading yesterday in potatoes , soy oil , rubber and chickpeas for at least four months .

  10. 为了构筑鹰嘴豆分子生物学研究基础并挖掘逆境胁迫相关基因,本实验室于2007年利用新疆抗逆种质构建了干旱胁迫相关的cDNA文库。

    To build foundation for molecular biology research and to identify the stress responsive genes , we have constructed a drought-related cDNA library using the stress resistance germplasm from Sinkiang .

  11. 三角豆(鹰嘴豆)高纤维的三角豆富含维生素B6,能够帮助体内生产安神的血清素。

    Garbanzo Beans ( Chickpeas ) High-fiber garbanzo beans are rich in vitamin B6 , which your body uses to produce serenity-boosting serotonin .

  12. 首先对所用原料进行了外观分析,确定本论文所用的原料&鹰嘴豆为豆科鹰嘴豆属Kabuli型。

    Chickpea used in this paper was deduced to be Kabuli type according to its appearance .

  13. 研究各种外部条件如温度、pH、离子强度、离子种类对鹰嘴豆分离蛋白质溶解性的影响以及pH、离子强度对乳化能力及乳化稳定性的影响。

    The effects of temperature , pH , ionic strength and ionic variety on the nitrogen solubility ( NSI ) of chickpea protein isolate were investigated , and those of pH and ionic strength on emulsifying capacity ( EC ) and emulsion stability ( ES ) were also studied .

  14. 鹰嘴豆粗黄酮物质的提取及抑制胃癌细胞MGC-9活性研究

    Extraction of Chickpea Crude Flavonoids and Its Inhibition on MGC-9 Cancer Cells

  15. 圆二色谱(CD)分析了鹰嘴豆分离蛋白的二级结构:α-螺旋36.2%,β-折叠28.4%,转角10.3%,无规卷曲25.2%。

    The secondary structure analyzed by circular dichroism ( CD ) showed that , α - helix , β - sheet , turn and random coil were 36 . 2 % , 28 . 4 % , 10 . 3 % and 25 . 2 % , respectively .

  16. 鹰嘴豆β-半乳糖苷酶的研究&催化水解ONPG酶促反应动力学及其活性位的化学修饰

    Studies on the β - Galactosidase from Gram ── Gatalytic Reaction Kinetics of ONPG Hydrolysis and the Chemical Modification of Activity Sites

  17. 她要吃皮塔饼和鹰嘴豆泥,我就把面包切成完美的三角形,从她的柜橱找出精致的小碗,小心翼翼盛上三种蘸酱,就像托马斯·凯勒(ThomasKeller,美国名厨——译注)在身边监视。

    When she asked for a pita and hummus , I cut the bread into perfect little triangles , found elegant small bowls in her cupboards , and carefully quenelled three dipping options , as if Thomas Keller were watching over my shoulder .

  18. 本论文以新疆产Kabuli型鹰嘴豆(Chickpca)为原料,优化了碱溶酸沉法鹰嘴豆分离蛋白(CPI)的制备工艺。

    The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate protein properties of chickpea produced in Xinjiang . First , the chickpea protein isolate ( CPI ) preparation art , alkaline extraction and acid precipitation was optimized .

  19. 采购:绿豆罐头,番茄酱,鹰嘴豆。

    Buy : Canned green bean , Tomato paste , Chickpea .

  20. 鹰嘴豆分离蛋白的乳化性及结构关系

    Relationship between Structure and Emulsifying Properties of Chickpea Protein Isolates

  21. 鹰嘴豆是一种营养价值丰富的豆类作物。

    Chickpea is a kind of bean crops with rich nutritional value .

  22. 玉米/鹰嘴豆间作对有机磷利用差异的研究

    Study on Difference of Utilizing Organic P in Maize / Chickpea Intercropping System

  23. 鹰嘴豆蛋白属完全蛋白质。

    Chickpea protein is considered as a complete protein .

  24. 酶法提取鹰嘴豆水不溶性膳食纤维工艺的研究

    Investigation on extraction technology of water-insoluble dietary fiber from chickpea by enzymic method

  25. 鹰嘴豆种子生物学特性的研究

    A study on biological characteristic of Cicer arietinum seeds

  26. 鹰嘴豆β-半乳糖苷酶的提取及其氨基酸组成研究

    Studies on Extraction and amino acid composition of β galactosidase from Cicer arietinum

  27. 受影响的作物包括鹰嘴豆,小麦,高粱和玉米。

    Chickpea , wheat , sorghum and corn are among the crops affected .

  28. 结果表明,鹰嘴豆利用有机磷的能力强于玉米;

    The results showed that chickpea could utilize much more phytate P than maize .

  29. 另一种你可以做的是用一些印度咖喱酱和鹰嘴豆。

    Another one you can do is take some Indian curry paste and chickpeas .

  30. 一粒放错了沙拉罐的鹰嘴豆

    A garbanzo bean in the wrong salad bin