
  • 网络Duck gizzard
  1. 当食客们用筷子打开鸭肚时,就会看到在鸭肚里煮熟了的麻雀。

    The diners opened up the duck 's stomach with their chopsticks , and found the sparrows baked in the duck .

  2. 叉烧,烧鸭,金钱肚豆腐,蛋。

    BBQ pork , roasted duck , Ox Tripe , tofu and eggs .

  3. 深红色的火腿、蒸鸭、肥鹅肚酱,各种罕见的应时和不应时的水果,满满地摆了一桌子。

    Hams in wine , pressed duck , pate de foie gras , rare fruits in and out of season , were spread in profusion .