
niǎo shè
  • aviary;bird house
鸟舍[niǎo shè]
  1. 鸟的主人说这只鸟可能是从鸟舍一处不结实的地方逃走的。

    The owner said the bird may have escaped through a weak spot in the aviary

  2. 瀑布鸟舍拥有世界最高的人造瀑布。

    Waterfall aviary has the highest man-made waterfall in the world .

  3. 岛上还设有3000个鸟舍,供鸟类在迁徙中歇脚。ZeroTariff|零关税从自贸区建设到互联互通,是否有一天APEC区域内真会实现“零关税”这个理想化的目标?

    One day there may be no tariff between APEC economies with the development of the free trade area and regional connectivity .

  4. 地球日的另一个有趣活动就是做手工,无论是艺术品、鸟舍还是餐桌新装饰都可以,但只能用回收材料。

    Another fun activity is to make a craft — be it artwork , a birdhouse , or a new feature for the dining room table — using only recycled materials .

  5. 参观该鸟舍的游客能观察到鸟类的自然习性。

    Visitors to the aviary can observe the birds behaving naturally .

  6. 那里面还有装满稀有鸟类的鸟舍。

    There was also an aviary full of rare birds .

  7. 你打算怎样着手建鸟舍?

    How will you go about building the bird home ?

  8. 那有鸟舍,缆车和有水上世界之称的游泳中心。游客们通常到那观光,娱乐。

    Tourists usually go there for sightseeing and fun .

  9. 鸟舍将鸟关起来的大房舍。

    A large enclosure for holding birds in confinement .

  10. 在那里游客们可以看到些鸟舍,一些缆车和水世界。

    Tourists can find some aviaries , some cable cars and Water World there .

  11. 我象一只来自其他大陆的鸟,坐在这个鸟舍。

    I 'm like a bird from another continent , sitting in this aviary .

  12. 很快,他们来到了鸟舍,他们看到的第一只鸟正在说话。

    Soon they came to the birdhouse , and the first bird they saw was talking .

  13. 罗斯柴尔德勋爵指给我看鸟舍象征21世纪颓废风气的“打碎的蛋”就准备摆放在那里,这显得很滑稽。

    Lord Rothschild points out the aviary that will be the comically appropriate venue for " cracked egg " , that symbol of 21st-century decadence .

  14. 但日本的邮筒有那么一些不同寻常。在日本,邮筒的形状各式各样,有些是卡通人物,有些则是鸟舍。

    But in Japan , they 're a little more unusual . There , post boxes can be shaped like anything from cartoon characters to bird houses .

  15. 从洛林动物园的情况来看,盗贼们在夜里从园外破墙而入,然后将鸟舍彻底捣毁,最后携鸟而去。

    In the case of the Lorraine zoo , the thieves broke through the outer perimeter at night and virtually demolished the flamingo house to get at the birds .

  16. 瀑布鸟舍是娱乐中心最大的一块地方。该娱乐中心由5部分陆上森林组成,拥有超过1500只亚洲的鸟以及100英尺高的人造瀑布。

    The Waterfall Aviary is the most terrific range in the recreation center where it is a 5 sections of land woods containing more than 1500 African winged creatures and has a 100-feet man-made waterfall .