
  • 网络Bird strike;Birdstriking;birdstrike
  1. 本文系统阐述了该算法的基础理论,并利用SPH算法对飞机典型结构雷达罩、机尾翼前缘模型进行了鸟撞仿真研究,得到了很有意义的结论。

    Related basic theory of the algorithm is elaborated . The bird strike simulation research on aircraft typical structures such as radome and leading edge of wing and empennage are conducted too and meaningful conclusions was obtained .

  2. 鸟撞飞机风挡的一体化数值模拟技术

    Integrated numerical simulation technique of an aircraft windshield against bird strike

  3. SPH和FEM耦合方法分析机翼前缘鸟撞的响应问题

    Bird Impact on Aircraft Leading Edge Simulation with SPH and FEM Coupling Method

  4. 鸟撞飞机圆弧风挡玻璃的中点时风挡玻璃发生破碎的临界速度约为570&580Km/h。

    The critical velocity at which the bird body impacts the glass at middle point to result in break of the glass is 570-580km / h.

  5. 鸟撞(BirdStrike)又被称为鸟击,是指飞机在起飞、飞行或降落过程中被鸟类撞击而发生的飞行安全事故征候。

    Bird collision also known as bird strike refers to aircraft impact on birds during took off or landed during flight accidents .

  6. GLARE层板鸟撞数值模拟分析

    Numerical Simulation of Bird Impact on GLARE Laminates

  7. 基于SPH方法的鸟撞飞机风挡的数值模拟

    SPH-Based Numerical Simulation of Aircraft Windshield Under Bird Impact

  8. 基于PAM-CRASH的鸟撞飞机风挡动响应分析

    Dynamic response analysis of bird-impact aircraft windshields based on PAM-CRASH

  9. 采用DYNA3D有限元分析程序,对飞机前风挡进行了全面的鸟撞分析。

    DYNA3D finite element method was employed in this paper to investigate bird impact on the windshield systemically .

  10. 利用非线性动力响应有限元分析程序(DYNA3D),对无机/有机复合圆弧风挡的设计方案的抗鸟撞能力进行了数值模拟分析。

    Non-linear dynamic response finite element analysis program ( DYNA3D ) has been used to analyze the bird impact resistance of inorganic and organic laminated arc windshield .

  11. 飞机圆弧风挡抗鸟撞试验研究

    Experimental study on arc windshield of fighter subjected to bird impact

  12. 飞机风挡鸟撞动响应分析方法研究

    Research on Dynamic Analysis of Bird Impact on Aircraft Windshield

  13. 飞机鸟撞试验瞬时速度的连续测试方法研究

    Research for the Instantaneous Velocity Measurement in Aircraft Bird-Impact Test

  14. 自九十年代以来,鸟撞事件的报告数量一直在增加。

    The number of reported bird strikes has increased since nineteen ninety .

  15. 鸟撞通常是指鸟类与飞行中的飞机发生碰撞的事件。

    Bird strike usually refers to bird collides with the flying aircraft .

  16. 广东佛山机场鸟类群落生态及鸟撞预防的研究

    Bird community ecology and bird strike avoidance at Foshan airport , guangdong

  17. 直升机风挡及附属结构抗鸟撞性能分析

    The Bird Strike Analysis of Helicopter Windshield and Accessory Structure

  18. 那是什么听上去像是鸟撞到了窗户

    What 's that ? Sounds like a bird hit the window .

  19. 正是由于鸟撞所造成的危害,抗鸟撞设计成为飞机设计中必须考虑的要素之一。

    Anti-impact is one of factors when designing an airplane .

  20. 飞机风挡结构抗鸟撞一体化设计技术研究

    On the integrated design technique of windshield against bird-strike

  21. 峰窝夹芯结构雷达罩鸟撞有限元分析与模拟

    The FEM analysis and Simulation of bird impact radome with composite sandwich structure

  22. 飞机风挡结构抗鸟撞动响应数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of bird impact dynamic response for windshield

  23. 一种机翼前缘抗鸟撞结构设计与分析

    Leading edge structure design and analysis for bird impact

  24. 本文的研究成果对于今后新机研制中,结构抗鸟撞设计与分析工作有一定的参考价值。

    Research conclusions of this article have reference value for new aircraft development .

  25. 直升机主桨叶的鸟撞有限元数值模拟

    Numerical simulations of bird impact on helicopter rotor blades

  26. 最后,对未来民用飞机抗鸟撞研究的发展做了展望。

    At last , some focus in future bird-strike research is put forward .

  27. 国际民航组织在全世界范围内每年都会收到2000多件鸟撞的报告。

    International Civil Aviation Organization will receive about 2000 relative reports every year .

  28. 有些鸟撞上高楼、电话杆甚至窗户玻璃。

    Some crash into tall buildings , telephone poles , or even widow panes .

  29. 飞机风挡透明件的鸟撞分析

    Bird impact analysis of aircraft windshield transparency

  30. 这正是所谓的基于数据仓库的数据挖掘技术在鸟撞预警防范系统中的雏形。

    This is the system prototype called data warehouse data mining techniques in birds strike .