
  • 网络bird island
  1. 每天,都有架飞机来鸟岛宾馆接送客人。

    Every day , a plane arrives to ferry guests to and from Bird Island Lodge

  2. 在青海湖,最著名的是鸟岛。

    In Qinghai Lake , the most famous Bird Island .

  3. 鸟岛中鸟类栖息密度达1&2只/m2,而鸥类可达10.只/m2。

    The density of the bird in the islands is very hight with 1-2 indiv . / m , especially the Gulls density come up 10 indiv . / m.

  4. 黑海在鸟岛的哪一边?

    On what side of the island is the black sea ?

  5. 青海湖鸟岛沙地植物群落物种多样性

    Plant community diversity in the bird island around Qinghai Lake

  6. 青海湖鸟岛地区草地植物群落特征的研究

    Community characteristics of the grassland in the Bird Island of the Qinghai Lake

  7. 青海湖鸟岛上有数以十万计的候鸟。

    Bird Island in Qinghai Lake on the hundreds of thousands of migratory birds .

  8. 青海以塔尔寺和青海湖上的鸟岛而闻名。

    Qinghai is famous for Tear Lamasary and the Bird Island in Qinghai Lake .

  9. 近观鸟岛上万千白鹭翱翔天空,湖面上岛屿星罗棋布。

    Nearly bird island Millions egrets flying sky on the island north of the lake .

  10. 蛇岛、鸟岛资源丰富,呈现奇特自然;

    The Snake Island and the Bird Island feature rich resources and give peculiar natural world ;

  11. 现在是最佳观鸟期,也许你们能看到鸟岛上所有的鸟类。

    Now it is the best time to see birds , so maybe you can see all species of birds in the island .

  12. 水库库区的围垦,位置在水库库区18断面或其附近的鸟岛处。

    The enclosing tideland for cultivation around the reservoir situated at 18 section in the reservoir or the " bird island " near it .

  13. 在兰伯特湾和西海岸的小岛(如鸟岛)上能见到南非鲱鸟群落奇观。

    Spectacular colonies of Cape gannets can be seen at Lambert 's Bay and on small islets such as Bird Island on the west coast .

  14. 在此后一个月,十艘中国船只包括多艘潜艇和驱逐舰驶过同样路线,并在日本冲之鸟岛附近演习。

    A month later , ten ships , including submarines and destroyers , followed the same route before conducting apparent exercises near Japan 's Okinotori island .