
  • 网络fantasy literature
  1. 论魔幻现实主义文学的魔幻表现手法

    On The Magic Expression Techniques Of Magic Realism

  2. 谈魔幻现实主义文学作品的特点

    On Features of Magic Realism Literature Works

  3. 魔幻现实主义文学创作方法是在拉丁美洲形成和发展的。

    It was in Latin America that the creation method of magic realism literature formed and developed .

  4. 第一章详细梳理和介绍了魔幻现实主义文学在20世纪后期中国传播、接受和译介的状况。

    The first chapter introduces the state which the magical realism literature has been speeded , accepted and translated and introduced at the 20th century China .

  5. 魔幻现实主义文学是20世纪拉丁美洲最重要的文学流派,在整个20世纪西方文学中也占有十分重要的地位,至今在世界文坛上有着广泛的影响。

    Magic Realism is a most important literary school of the 20th century in Latin America , which occupies a vital position in the 20th western literature and gains the wide influence in the world .

  6. 新时期,中国寻根派与先锋派作家深受拉美魔幻现实主义文学的影响,以实验性较强的写法突破传统小说的模式。

    In the new period , Chinese roots and avant-garde writers are soundly affected by magical realism literature in Latin America and with stronger experimental style of writing made a breakthrough in tradition novel writing model .

  7. 这其中,拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义文学与欧美现代派文学、存在主义文学以及后现代主义文学一起对20世纪后期中国小说产生了重要而深刻的影响。

    In the meantime , the magical realism literature together with western modernism literature , existentialism literature and post-modernism literature has produced an important and deep impact on the Chinese novels in the later 20th century .

  8. 莫里森在这部小说中使用了拉美魔幻现实主义这种文学形式,对她小说中的人物塑造和所表达的主题所引起强烈的震撼效果功不可没。

    Morrison uses this literary type of Magic Realism , which causes tremendous and intense effect on the character portrait and the theme .

  9. 魔幻现实主义是文学现实主义的一个新理论,是一种新型的艺术表现形式。它通过展现超自然的、幻想的和神奇的现象来寻找隐藏在背后的真实的现实。

    Magic realism is a new approach to literary realism and a new artistic genre . Through the presentation of supernatural , imagined or magic elements as if they were real , magic realism finally aims at searching for the hidden meaning and real truth behind them .

  10. 随后,拉美一些作家把拉美大陆的魔幻现实与超现实主义特点相结合,形成了拉美特有的魔幻现实主义文学。

    Then some Latin American writers marry the Magic Realism with the Surrealism to form the special Latin American Magic Realism literature .