
ɡāo jí zhōnɡ xué
  • Senior high school;senior middle school
高级中学 [gāo jí zhōng xué]
  • [senior high school] 我国实施六年中等教育中后三年的学校

  1. 本文进而用东西部各省份的高级中学入学率和高等教育入学率作为人力资本指标进行了进一步的分析。

    The paper made a further analysis by using senior middle school enrollment and tertiary school enrollment .

  2. 江苏省扬中高级中学是一所省级重点高中,是一个向社会展现良好精神风貌的平台。

    Jiangsu Yangzhou Senior Middle School is a Provincial Principal middle school , a platform to display a good-spirit to the society .

  3. 我两个姊姊都是乔治华盛顿高级中学的毕业生

    My two sisters are both alumnae of George Washington High school .

  4. 为表彰其为贫困家庭女孩教育所做的贡献,云南省丽江市华坪女子高级中学校长张桂梅日前被授予“时代楷模”称号。

    Zhang Guimei , the principal of Huaping High School for Girls , based in Lijiang city , Southwest China 's Yunnan province , has been granted the title " Role Model of the Times " in recognition of her dedication to the education for girls from poor families .

  5. 综合高级中学(Comprehensivehighschool)是高中阶段教育的独立的学校类型(国外简称综合高中)。

    Comprehensive high school is an independent type of high schools .

  6. 对于高中阶段课程地位现状的研究,作者选取了H省X县的两所高中为调查对象,其中以X县高级中学为调查研究的重点。

    For the study of the status quo of senior secondary curriculum , the authors selected the two high schools in the X County , H Province , for the survey , in which X-County High School is a research priority .

  7. 参与者来自河南两所高级中学的495名学生,调查数据使用SPSS13.0FORWINDOWS、LISREL进行分析。

    Participants were from two high schools in Henan , a total of 495 members . The survey data used SPSS 13.0 for windows , LISREL and the main analysis .

  8. 创建绿色育人环境培养社会需求人才&在创绿中前进的江门市第一职业高级中学

    The green appearance of No.1 Vocation High School of Jiangmen City

  9. 多媒体进入高级中学家庭教育是阵地;

    Multimedia Goes To High School home education is the pront ;

  10. 农村高级中学校长治校研究

    Research on School Management of Senior High School Presidents in Countryside

  11. 某高级中学结核病爆发分离菌株的实验室鉴定

    Identification of strains isolated from tuberculosis outbreak in a high school

  12. 昆山第三职业高级中学规划建筑设计

    Planning of architecture of the third high school of Kunshan

  13. 关于高级中学实施信息素养教育课程建设的研究

    The Research on Course Development of Information Literacy in Senior High School

  14. 高中英语泛读教学的新尝试高级中学英语泛读教学思考

    A New Attempt at English Extensive Reading Teaching in Senior High School

  15. 高级中学教学区交往空间设计研究

    Research on the Senior High School Teaching-zone Communication Space Design

  16. 在连山高级中学开展海洋教育效果良好。

    The effect of marine education in lianshan is good .

  17. 青岛十六中是一所具有16年外教聘请历史的高级中学。

    Qingdao No.16 HighSchool has a 16-year history of employing foreign teachers .

  18. 对《全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修)》的研究

    Studies of the Ordinary Full-time Senior Math Textbooks

  19. 首先介绍了深圳市高级中学及其学生法庭;

    The author first introduces Shenzhen Senior High School and its Students ' Court .

  20. 安徽省高级中学田径教学现状分析与对策

    Track and Field Teaching Situation Analysis and Countermeasures in High School of Anhui Province

  21. 山东省高级中学体育与健康课田径教学现状分析

    Current Situation Analysis about Sports and Health Lesson of High Middle School in Shandong Province

  22. 在这些理论基础上,作者对朝阳市第二高级中学的100名学生进行了问卷调查。

    Then on the theoretical basis , a questionnaire was carried out among 100 students .

  23. 昆山第一职业高级中学的专业英语教学还处于课程建设的初级阶段。

    Specialized English in Kunshan No.1 Vocational High School is still in its primitive stage .

  24. 高中物理新教材〔全日制普通高级中学教科书(试验修订本,必修)上下册〕中增加了阅读材料的篇数。

    More reading passages have been added into the new physics textbook of senior high school .

  25. 中学生体育生活现状调查及体育教学改革可行性探讨&江苏省常州高级中学调查思考

    An Investigation on Middle School Students ' Sports Life and the Feasibility of PE Teaching Reform

  26. 杭州地区职业高级中学学生心理健康状况调查及对策研究

    A Survey and the Countermeasure of The Vocational Senior Middle School Students Mentality in Hangzhou Region

  27. 我国新的《九年义务教育普通高级中学体育(1-6年级)体育与健康(7-12年级)课程标准》是学校体育教育改革的一项重要成果,但在实施过程中难免遇到新困惑和矛盾。

    The new physical education curriculum standard is an important production of school physical education innovation .

  28. 那个男孩以为他要上高级中学是一幢很高的楼。

    The boy thinks the high school which he is going to is a high building .

  29. 经过一年准实验的研究,实验因子选择的是辽宁省辽阳市一所普通的高级中学,2001年高一新生两个自然班126人,每班63人。

    A quasi experiment was conducted in an ordinary high middle school in Liaoyang City Liaoning Province .

  30. 目前,本协会在山东各地共有240所会员学校,会员以省级规范化高级中学为主。

    The association , Whose membership focuses on Provincially-standardized schools , consists of240 members all over Shandong .