- 名High tide line;high-water mark

Comparison of mean high tide line and 2 m isobath reflecting erosion and accretion of the Yellow River Delta
The mean high tide line as the coastline delineated from multi-temporal remote sensing data of Landsat during 1974-2010 at intervals of about 8 years were used to examine the progradation and recession of the Yangtze Estuary with GIS tools .
The shell bed stands on the ancient beach , locates at 1 m above high water line , and it is covered with recent coast aeolian sands to a thickness of 4 ~ 5m .
The chemical attribute of SiO 2 is stable , which has notable response to the dynamic sedimentary physiognomy . The content of SiO2 near the high water line and in the key flood discharge channel of the river is obviously high .
The new land area measured by high line of low tide was up to 1925 mu per year .
Salt resistant plant such as Wedelia prostrata and Ipomoea pes caprae appeared in the edge of sand wall next to high tide line .
Of , relating to , or being the region between the high tide mark and the low tide mark . Hornblende bearing varieties bridge the gap over to amphibolites which are in bands and dikes .
In accordance with these technical barrier , the experiment selected 4 super casuarina equisetifolia clone and 3 shrubs with good sand-fixation and wind belt effect , 5 grasses that are suitable for the place from high-water mark to the tree belt front .