
  • 网络Callus formation;porosis;formation of callus
  1. 术后21天,各组均有骨痂形成,C组,D组骨折线变模糊。

    After 21 days , callus formation in all groups , the fracture line blured in group C and D.

  2. 术后40天,C组,D组骨折处大量骨痂形成,局部增粗,骨密度增高,其余各组骨折线均已变模糊。

    After 40 days , there were ponderosus callus formation in bone fracture of group C and D , partly thickening , bone density , the fracture line lured in other groups .

  3. 兔颅骨植入材料X射线片观察结果:X射线可见生物材料周围有明显骨痂形成,并随时间延长,骨痂越来越多。

    X-ray observation results : There were obvious formation of callus around the biological material , which became much more as time went on .

  4. 结果A组在X线表现、骨痂形成面积、三点弯曲破坏负荷、新骨形成率及骨孔隙率等方面均优于B、C、D组,与E组相仿。

    Results Like Group E , Group A excelled Group B , C and D in the performance of X-ray , callus formation , maximal bending load , new bone formation rate and bone porosity .

  5. 骨折并脑损伤组早期纤维性骨痂形成较慢,骨折早期骨痂内成纤维细胞及成骨细胞NGF表达较弱,第14天表达增强,出现成骨细胞。

    In fracture with cerebral injury group , the callus formed slowly and NGF expressed weakly at early stage of fracture , but increased and appeared chondroblasts at 14 days .

  6. 目的:通过微量元素锌对血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)的影响,探讨其促进骨痂形成及骨折愈合的作用。

    Objective : The aim of study was to discusses the effect of trace element ( zinc ) on promoting the fracture healing through influencing serum alkaline phosphatase levels ( ALP ) .

  7. 结论兔骨折周围局部应用外源性TGF-β和BMP可促进骨痂形成,增强骨折愈合后骨组织的生物力学强度,TGF-β的作用优?

    Conclusion Local application of exogenous TGF - β and BMP can increase the callus formation and enhance biomechanical strength of bone after fracture healing . A combination of TGF - β and BMP has synergetic effect in enhancing fracture healing .

  8. 促进骨痂形成。

    3 , Promote the bone scab to be ripe .

  9. 576个椎体孤立性微骨痂形成的病理研究

    Pathological research on isolated microcallus formation in 576 vertebrae

  10. 体外冲击波对兔长骨牵伸骨痂形成的早期作用

    Early effect of extracorporeal shockwave treatment on distraction osteogenesis of long bone in rabbits

  11. 它是骨痂形成和构建过程研究的重要手段。

    It is an important tool for the research of bone formation and building process .

  12. 结果甲组局部血肿机化,表面骨痂形成较早。

    Results Organization of local hematoma and the formulation of surface callus appeared early in group I.

  13. 原始骨痂形成期,B超显像时间较X线平片早2~10天;

    It could display the pictures 1-8 days earlier than X-ray at the stage of primary porosis .

  14. 结果:高剂量组动物骨膜反应出现时间明显早于其他组,骨痂形成的面积也最大;

    Results : The rabbits in high dose group had earlier periosteal reaction and larger bone callus area .

  15. 骨折愈合过程的显微结构改变能很好的反映骨痂形成和构建的细胞学过程。

    Microstructure of fracture healing process can well reflect the changes of cellular process in bone formation and construction .

  16. 观察植入物周边组织反应、局部缺损修复和骨痂形成情况和表面变化情况。

    Then observe the tissue reaction around the implant , partial defect repair and bone formation and surface changes .

  17. 目的观察体外冲击波对兔长骨牵伸骨痂形成的早期作用,探讨其作用机制。

    Objective To investigate the early effect of extracorporeal shockwave ( ESW ) treatment on distraction osteogenesis of rabbit tibias and its mechanism .

  18. X线片显示典型的二期骨折愈合征象,骨折部有很大的外骨痂形成。

    A typical sign of secondary bone healing was recorded on the X-ray film and there was a large external callus surrounding the fracture site .

  19. 单纯材料组8~12周时,材料表面未见明显骨质形成和骨痂形成。

    In Group B , at week 8 to 12 , there was no obvious osteogenesis and callus formation on the surface of the materials .

  20. 观察植入物的表面变化、骨痂形成、骨缺损修复情况及周围组织反应。

    The changes of implants surface 、 the form of osteotylus 、 the reparation of bone defection and tissue reaction around the implant were observed .

  21. 临床观察结果显示该法能较快消除肿胀、疼痛,加速骨痂形成,缩短临床愈合过程。

    The results of clinical observations showed that this method could rapidly eliminate swellings and pains , speed up callus formation and shorten clinical healing period .

  22. 术后18周骨痂形成较前稍有增多,但骨缺损区仍无骨性连接,骨缺损未愈合。

    At 18 weeks postoperatively , bony callus increased than before , but there still was no bony colligation . The bone defects still no healed by bone callus .

  23. 加压固定为骨折的直接愈合,没有外骨痂形成,而钢丝固定则为传统的骨折愈合形式,加压固定的骨愈合质量明显高于钢丝固定。

    Wire fixation brought about secondary bone healing ( traditional bone healing ) . The study suggests that the quality of bone healing by compression fixation is superior to wire fixation .

  24. 术后随访1 ̄3年,两组患者均有大量骨痂形成,但复合移植组患者骨痂形成量明显多于自体移植组。

    During 1-3 years follow-up , a great quantity of osteotylus formed in patients of both groups , but those in compound transplantation group was much more than those in the autoplastic transplantation group .

  25. 结果实验组从2、4、6周均见明显骨痂形成和骨膜反应,组织学观察可见有成骨样细胞形成。

    Results More osteotylus and periosteal reactions can be observed by regular photograph ( after migrating 2,4 and 6 weeks ), and osteoblasts can be found by histology in the bone detect sections of the experimental group .

  26. 本文报告了22例胫腓骨疲劳性骨折,分析了不同时期骨折线及骨痂形成X线所见,试从生物力学及机械力学探讨了疲劳骨折发生的机制,并提出了6点疲劳骨折的诊断。

    This article reported 22 cases of tibiofibular fatigue fracture . The radiologic appearance of fracture in the different period were analysed . The mechanisms of fatigue fracture were discussed , based on the biodynamic and mechanic point of view .

  27. 结论:颅脑外伤能促进胫骨骨折处骨痂的形成,但对胫骨骨折愈合没有明显的促进作用。

    Conclusions : Traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) can promote tibia fractures callus formation , but no apparent simulative effect on tibia fracture healing .

  28. 周期性运动和与之相关的剪切应力有利于软骨骨痂的形成,并通过软骨内骨化达到愈合;

    Cyclic motion , and its associated shear stress , appear to favor the formation of a cartilage callus , and thus healing through endochondral ossification .

  29. 目的:应用计算机辅助判断不同内固定材料对骨折愈合不同阶段骨痂的形成及其含量的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To explore the influences of different internal fixations on callus formation and content in the course of fracture healing analysis with X ray computer image .

  30. 结果:骨碎补组骨痂组织形成丰富,厚度明显优于对照组(P<0.01);骨碎补组骨痂组织中TGF-β1表达量及阳性定位与伤科接骨片组相同,均明显强于对照组。

    Results : During fracture healing , the thickness of callus and expressions of TGF - β _1 in callus in Group B were much better than in control .