- 名motor protein

The transport of motor protein is studied .
A fundamental nonlinear motion equation about motor protein subject to random force and random potential is derived . The expression of the probability flux of this system was obtained .
Kinesins are microtubule-based motor proteins that can move along microtubule ( MT ) using the energy from ATP hydrolysis .
Central spindle organization requires mitotic kinesins and the chromosomal passenger of Aurora B kinase complex with INCENP and survivin .
At this stage , the axoneme consists of nine microtubular doublets .
Besides these kinesins and chromosomal passengers , some centrosomal proteins also regulated cytokinesis .
The bipolar organization of the spindle is crucial for accurate segregation of chromosomes and relies on microtubule-dependent motor proteins .
Unlike most flagellated bacteria , the organism allocates one major chromosome segment encoding the components of the flagellum with the exception of the motor proteins .
The kinesins are a family of microtubule-based motor proteins that move directionally along microtubules and are involved in many crucial cellular processes , including cell elongation in plants .
Asymmetric and periodic potential was used to describe the interaction between motor proteins and filaments that were periodic and polar . The current and effective potential in the two-state model were calculated .
The application of micro-video recorder system and single molecular manipulation of optical tweezers in the movement study of motor proteins in vitro THE DYNAMIC MONITOR OF THE CONTROL OF LIVING CELL BY OPTICAL TWEEZERS
It was shown that the directed motion of motor protein was relevant to the effective potential . The current , the effective potential and the slope of the effective potential of the motor are calculated .
Direct motion of the single motor protein is treated as motion of Brownian particle in the paper . The expansion of sationary probability current is derived for the Brownian particle driven by internal and external noises simultaneously .
Experimental studies on molecular motors , in particular myosin and kinesin motors are reviewed . Theoretical models , such as the Brownian motor models are described and evaluated .
Molecular motors are one kind of enzyme proteins which exist in cells and play an important role in the process of muscle contraction , intracellular transport , DNA duplication , mitosis and so on .