
  • 网络matra;Matera;muttrah
  1. 梅尔·吉布森的著名影片《耶稣受难记》就是在马特拉拍摄的。

    Matera was notably the setting for Mel Gibson 's film'The Passion of the Christ ' .

  2. 你叫你马特拉?

    Those bucks call you marthe ?

  3. 阿曼图片画廊。金光闪闪的新月形在阿曼海湾,马特拉招手马斯喀特以西的资本。

    Glittering crescent on the Gulf of Oman , Matrah beckons west of Muscat , the capital .

  4. 德意志银行通过收购银行家信托公司引入了美国市场,而西门子则希望通过收购法国的军工企业马特拉取得进入法国铁路行业的通行证,该行业一直被英法合资企业阿尔斯通所掌控。

    Deutsche Bank bought its way into the US with its takerover of the Bankers Trust , whilst Siemens hopes that its acquisition of Matra , the French defense group , will allow it to gain access to France 's railway business , which is dominated by Alstom , the Anglo-French consortium .