
mǎ wěi sōnɡ
  • Pinus massoniana;masson pine
马尾松 [mǎ yǐ sōng]
  • [masson pine] 亚洲东部的一种材用松树,是一种有价值的、装饰用多树脂木材

  1. 低P胁迫对马尾松不同种源根系形态和干物质分配的影响

    Root Morphology and Dry Matter Allocation of Masson Pine : Response of Different Provenances to Low-Phosphorus Stress

  2. 用X射线摄影术测定马尾松种子发芽能力的研究

    Determination of germinability of Masson pine seed by X - radiography

  3. 马尾松随机扩增多态性DNA标记的分离研究

    Segregation analysis of random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) marker in Pinus massoniana

  4. 研究表明,随着溶液P素浓度的升高,马尾松各参试种源的苗高生长、P素吸收总量均有不同程度的增加,但其变化因种源而异。

    The results indicated that height growth and the amount of P uptake increased diversely with phosphorus raise for the provenances tested .

  5. 离子强度、pH值和Ca~(2+)/Al~(3+)对马尾松幼苗的铝毒影响

    Effects of ionic strength , pH and ca / al ratio on aluminum toxicity of Masson Pine Seedlings

  6. 铈对马尾松离体胚DNA、RNA及蛋白质合成的影响

    Effect of Cerium on Synthesis of dna , RNA and proteins of Pinus massoniana embryos cultured in vitro

  7. 防腐处理1h,马尾松试样中硼酸的含量为6.13%。

    Boric acid content of Masson pine sample was 6.13 % .

  8. 利用RAPD标记和单株树大配子体构建马尾松的分子标记连锁图谱

    Construction of molecular linkage map in Masson Pine Using RAPD markers and megagametophytes from a single tree

  9. 马尾松硫酸盐浆树脂化学组分的分离和GC-MS分析

    Separation and Identification of Chemical Components of Masson Pine Resin by Using GC ? MS Analysis

  10. 马尾松磨木木素以及LCC的仿酶降解

    Biomimetic Degradation of MWL and LCC from Masson 's Pine

  11. 马尾松SGP、TMP和CTMP用作新闻纸浆料的比较

    Comparison of Newsprint Grade SGP , TMP and CTMP of Masson Pine

  12. 使用H2O2漂白马尾松磨木浆,H2O2与浆的反应在刚开始的时候最激烈。

    About 70 % H2O2 charged in Masson pine groundwood pulp bleaching was consumed during the very first minute immediately after the bleaching chemicals were mixed with the pulps .

  13. 应用32P对马尾松、黎蒴栲种间关系的研究

    Study on Species Relationship between Pinus massoniana and Castanopsis fissa Using 32P

  14. 马尾松TMP与酸性亚硫酸盐浆中甘油三酯含量较高,约占总抽提物的50%。

    The results showed that the triglyceride content was relatively high , about 50 % both in the total extractive of masson TMP and acid SP.

  15. H2O2是一种常用的氧化性漂白剂,本研究对马尾松磨木浆(SGW)进行了单段H2O2漂白和两段H2O2漂白试验,确定了H2O2漂白的最佳工艺参数。

    Processing Parameters of H 2O 2 bleaching were selected based on one and two stage H 2O 2 bleaching of SGW from masson pine .

  16. 马尾松间伐材BCTMP工艺研究

    Study on Masson Pine Thinnings BCTMP

  17. 连续4a以不同发育阶段的马尾松种子为试材,研究其种仁贮藏物质的积累过程及其组分含量的变化规律。

    Seed kernels at various developmental stages were used as experimental materials to systematically study the accumulative procedure of storage substances and change trend of component contents .

  18. 试验结果表明,在目前的技术条件下,马尾松钻一次孔其连续流脂时间最长为2d,不宜进行钻孔法采脂。

    According to the results , under the current technique term , for masson pine there is continuous oleoresin flowing for only 2 days in one borehole drilling period , and the borehole tapping is not suitable .

  19. 马尾松针叶MDA含量、保护酶活性(POD、SOD)增加,这2方面形成一个动态平衡是马尾松适应低磷胁迫的主要生理响应机制之一。

    Moreover , the homeostasis established by the increase of MDA concent and protective enzyme ( POD , SOD ) activity in needles is the mechanism of the adaptive response for P. massoniana to low phosphorus stress .

  20. 结果表明,脂肪酶结合化学法处理后,马尾松TMP中甘油三酸酯的降解率由脂肪酶处理后的21.1%提高到34.8%;

    The results showed that the degradation rate of triglyceride from 21.1 % after the treatment of lipase increases to 34.8 % by the lipase treatment combining with the chemicals .

  21. 马尾松纯林的林下植被生物量最大,为3678t·hm-2。

    Vegetation biomass in Pinus massoniana stand was 3.678 t · hm ~ ( - 2 ), the highest among the six communities .

  22. 马尾松KP-AQ未漂浆中金属离子滞留性能的研究

    The Retentivity of Metal Ions in Unbleached KP-AQ Pulp of Masson Pinewood

  23. 据此计算湿地松林的叶面积指数为5.03,马尾松林和杉木林为4.31,针叶混交林为4.77,该结果比利用CI110植被冠层数字图像仪测得的结果偏大。

    LAI was 5.03 for slash pine plantation , 4.31 for both masson pine plantation and Chinese fir plantation , and 4.77 for mixed coniferous plantation , all larger than that measured with CI-110 plant canopy digital imager .

  24. 马尾松共生真菌(P.t)增殖培养条件

    The Cultural Conditions for the Proliferation of a Symbiotic Fungus ( P.t ) with Masson Pine

  25. 进行喷雾防治马尾松毛虫试验,试验表明:药后18d两种生物药剂的防治效果均在70%以上,B.t。

    To control Dendrolimus punctatus showed , the control efficiency of two biological products reached 70 % after 18d , B.t.

  26. 对马尾松硫酸盐浆(卡帕值26.7,粘度928cm3/g)氧脱木素工艺参数、H2O2对氧脱木素的强化以及氧脱木素前活化预处理进行了较为详尽的探索。

    The role of H2O2 reinforcement and activation in the oxygen delignification of masson pine kraft pulp and its results were studied in detail . Kappa number and the viscosity of the masson pine pulp studied were 26 , and 928 cm3 / g respectively .

  27. 应用3Y-35型烟雾机防治马尾松毛虫效果初探

    Preliminary Study on Control of Dendrolimus punctatus Walker with 3Y-35 Model Smoke Machine

  28. 结果表明,穴垦整地(40cm×40cm×30cm)马尾松工程幼林地具有显著的水土保持效益。

    The results showed that Pinus massoniana engineering young plantation with hole preparation ( 40cm × 40cm × 30cm ) has obvious soil and water conservation effects .

  29. 用扫描电镜能谱仪(SEMEDAX)及原子吸收光谱仪研究了马尾松的金属离子分布及马尾松硫酸盐蒽醌(KPAQ)法未漂浆中金属离子的分布及滞留性能。

    The profile of metal ions in Masson pinewood is researched by means of SEM EDAX and atomic absorption spectrometer . The content and retentivity of metal ions in unbleached KP AQ pulp of pinewood are studied .

  30. PUS-01阴离子淀粉在马尾松枝桠材浆造纸中的应用研究

    Application Research on PUS-01 Anionic Starch Used in Papermaking with Masson 's Pine Branch Pulp