
  • 网络Maddox;Madox
  1. 朱莉说马多克斯很喜欢做哥哥。

    Jolie says Maddox loves being a big brother .

  2. 上个月,针对皮特是否在9月份有虐待儿子马多克斯的行径的调查以没有发现不法行为而告终。

    Last month an investigation into whether Pitt was abusive towards his son Maddox in September ended with no finding of wrongdoing .

  3. 安妮斯顿于2005年3月提出离婚,显然是因为看到了布拉德、安吉丽娜和马多克斯在肯尼亚海滩的照片。

    She filed for divorce in March 2005 , apparently after seeing pictures of Brad , Angelina and Maddox on a beach in Kenya .

  4. 朱莉有一个四岁的儿子马多克斯,是她在柬埔寨收养的。今年夏天她又从埃塞俄比亚收养一个女儿泽赫拉。

    Jolie has a4-year-old son Maddox , who was adopted from Cambodia , and a daughter , Zahara , adopted this summer from Ethiopia .

  5. 这六个孩子是马多克斯(15岁),帕克斯(12岁),莎哈拉(11岁),夏伊洛(10岁)和双胞胎薇薇安、诺克斯(8岁)。

    Pax , aged 12 ; Zahara , aged 11 ; Shiloh , aged 10 ; and twins Vivienne and Knox , aged eight .

  6. 事件中心是美国军舰马多克斯号和特纳·乔伊号,这两艘海军驱逐舰当时在越南南部执行巡逻任务。

    It centers around the USS Maddox and the USS Turner Joy , two US Navy destroyers that were performing patrol duty by South Vietnam .

  7. 皮特和朱莉的孩子马多克斯15岁,帕克斯13岁,扎哈拉12岁,夏伊洛10岁,双胞胎薇薇安和诺克斯8岁。关于6名子女的抚养权存在很多猜测。

    There was much speculation as to what was going to happen to their kids : 15-year-old Maddox , 13-year-old Pax , 12-year-old Zahara , 10-year-old Shiloh and 8-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox .

  8. 布拉德正式收养了安吉丽娜9岁的儿子马多克斯,之后他们又收养了6岁的扎哈拉、4岁的夏伊洛和7岁的帕克斯,还有2岁的双胞胎诺克斯和维维恩。

    Brad officially adopted Angie 's son Maddox , now9 , and then the pair adopted Zahara , 6 , had Shiloh , 4 , adopted Pax , 7 , and had twins Knox and Vivienne , 2 .

  9. 在1964年8月2日,马多克斯号确实与北越发生了冲突(后来特纳·乔伊号也加入其中),造成四名北越水手死亡。

    A confrontation that actually did take place between the Maddox ( later joined by the Turner Joy ) and the North Vietnamese happened on August 2 , 1964 , and resulted in the deaths of four North Vietnamese sailors .

  10. 两天后,马多克斯号和特纳·乔伊号(以及从著名的航空母舰提康德罗加号上起飞的飞机)向敌人开火,当时敌人的具体位置已经通过声纳、雷达和无线电信号确定,非常明显。

    Two days later , the Maddox and the Turner Joy ( along with planes that had taken off from the famed aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga ) began opening fire on apparent enemy targets that had been detected via sonar , radar , and radio signals .

  11. 离婚过程明显陷入停滞,原因在于二人就离婚后皮特探视六个孩子(马多克斯16岁,贝克斯14岁,萨阿拉13岁,夏伊洛12岁,维维恩,10岁,诺克斯,10岁)的时间问题产生了分歧。

    The duo 's divorce has apparently ground to a halt over disagreements about how much time Pitt gets with their six children ; Maddox , 16 , Pax , 14 , Zahara , 13 , Shiloh , 12 , Vivienne , 10 and Knox , 10 .