
  1. 香港香港是中国的一部分。

    Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China .

  2. 根据英国《卫报》上发表的一份香港香港精神健康报告显示,至少四分之一的员工会在回归工作的前一天感到疲乏和焦虑。

    More than a quarter of employees feel dread and anxiety the day before returning to work after a day or weekend off , according to a UK mental health report featured in the Guardian .

  3. 以往,深圳市场的一个竞争优势在于其毗邻资本主义飞地(capitalistenclave)香港。香港是一个理念、建议和投资的来源地。

    One of the Shenzhen market 's competitive advantages in the past was its proximity to the capitalist enclave of Hong Kong , a source of ideas , advice and investment .

  4. 他是在香港与香港交易所(HKEx)联合举行的新闻发布会上发表上述讲话的。一年前,沪港两家交易所签署了一项协议,拟密切合作,分享信息并共同开发新产品。

    He was speaking in Hong Kong at a joint news conference with Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing , a year after the two exchanges signed an agreement to co-operate closely by sharing information and devising new products .

  5. 香港拥有香港――除约翰座堂下的土地以外的全部土地。

    Hong Kong owned Hong Kong-all the land except what was under the Anglican cathedral .

  6. 搜索引擎总部已搬到香港,香港不需要服从北京的审查制度。

    The search engine is now based in Hong Kong , which isn 't subject to Beijing 's censorship rules .

  7. 最成功的麦当劳事业在中国香港,香港比世界上的其它任何麦当劳餐馆都要卖出更多的汉堡包。

    The Hong Kong McDonald 's sells more hamburgers every day than any other McDonald 's anywhere else in the world .

  8. 至于说一旦中国宣布一九九七年要收回香港,香港就可能发生波动。

    As to the assertion that once China declares its decision to recover Hong Kong in1997 there will be disturbances there .

  9. 在传媒业高度商业化的香港,香港电台作为惟一一家由政府所办电台具有独特的地位。

    In the highly commercialized media market , Hong Kong Broadcasting Station as the solely government run station has its own unique position .

  10. 由香港向香港以外某地方提出的要求在刑事事宜上提供协助的请求,可由律政司提出。

    A request by Hong Kong to a place outside Hong Kong for assistance in a criminal matter may be made by the attorney general .

  11. 事实上,如果情况不是这样,那才异乎寻常,因为我们所认识和所期望的香港和香港人,正是如此。

    In fact , it would be unusual if this was not the case , since this is what we know and expect of Hong Kong and its people .

  12. 事实上,唯一能够自称为全球金融中心的中国城市是前英国殖民地香港。香港仍处于内地威权的监管制度和基本封闭的资本账户之外。

    In reality , the only Chinese city that can legitimately call itself a global financial centre is the former British colony of Hong Kong , which remains outside the mainland 's authoritarian regulatory system and its largely closed capital account .

  13. 对欧盟、日本和香港(香港是中国向世界其它很多地区出口的一个中转站)出口分别下跌4.1%、9.5%和12.2%。

    Exports to the EU , Japan and Hong Kong - which serves as a transit point for exports to many other parts of the world - fell by 4.1 per cent , 9.5 per cent and 12.2 per cent respectively .

  14. 但是,最忙碌的蜜蜂在香港,香港人每周的工作时间超过50小时,这意味着香港人的工作时长比全球平均水平多38%,比伦敦人多50%,比巴黎人多62%。

    But the busiest bees are in Hong Kong , where the work week stretches to just over 50 hours , meaning Hong Kongers are working for 38pc longer than the global average , 50pc more than Londoners and 62pc longer than Parisians .

  15. K11的第一个购物中心2009年在香港开业。香港是它的创始人、主席郑志刚的故乡。

    K11 " s first mall opened in 2009 in Hong Kong , the hometown of its founder and chairman , Adrian Cheng .

  16. 香港——在香港的渣华道,一家店里摆着一双崭新的棕色皮革古驰(Gucci)乐福鞋,外面周到地裹了一层玻璃纸——它的售价不到3美元,简直是一辈子最划算的买卖。

    HONG KONG - On Java Road in Hong Kong , a new pair of brown leather Gucci loafers , lovingly wrapped in cellophane , hangs from a storefront - the deal of a lifetime at less than $ 3 .

  17. 最近进行的调查显示,香港人对香港的信心不断增加。

    Recent surveys have shown that confidence level continues to rise .

  18. 我诚意邀请各位莅临香港,体验香港的成功。

    I invite you to come and see for yourselves .

  19. 14香港邮政是香港首个认可的核证机关。

    14 hongkong post is the first recognized certification authority in Hong kong .

  20. 要找专科医生,请参考《找对医生看对科》,或到《香港医学会香港医生网》。

    Always consult your own doctors if you 're in any way concerned about your health .

  21. 保障食水安全对香港市民及香港的持续发展均非常重要。

    Safe drinking water is vital to your health and to the continued development of Hong kong .

  22. 香港大学和香港中文大学均有开办医生基础训练课程。

    The University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong provide basic training of doctors .

  23. 从大陆性到香港性&香港文学理论批评的发展演变

    From Mainland Characteristic to Hong Kong Characteristic & The Development of Literature Theories and Comments in Hong Kong

  24. 柴油管制组〔香港海关〕香港消防处救护主任协会

    Diesel Oil Enforcement Division [ Customs and Excise Department ] Hong Kong Fire Services Department Ambulance Officers Association

  25. 在周六早上,李安抵达了香港,在香港院线大道接受了香港媒体的采访,并且和当地的观众进行了亲密的互动。

    Lee , arriving in Hong Kong Saturday morning , attended a meeting with Hong Kong media and audience at Hong Kong Broadway Cinematheque .

  26. 中国内地股市的沮丧气氛也拖累了香港股市,香港的命运正与大中华区的经济健康越来越紧密地联系起来。

    Gloom on the mainland also dragged down shares in Hong Kong , whose fortunes are increasingly tied to the economic health of Greater China .

  27. 从19世纪20年代到40年代,茶楼雨后春笋般地开遍香港,在香港战后经济振兴中发挥了重要的社会作用。

    From the 1920s until the 1940s , they sprang up all over the territory and acquired a vital social function in the postwar economic boom .

  28. 许多葡萄酒展会似乎可能会从美国或英国转移到香港,因为香港已取消进口关税。

    It seems likely that many a wine collection will be moved from the US or UK to Hong Kong now that no duty is payable .

  29. 本地大学,包括香港大学及香港中文大学,一直致力研究和推行网格技术。

    Local universities , including the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong kong , have been active in grid research and implementation .

  30. 这些污染物被从10月到4月最常见的北风带到香港,导致香港冬季的污染严重加剧。

    These pollutants are carried to Hong Kong by the northerlies that prevail from October to April , resulting in much worse pollution during the winter months .