
  • 网络Shangla District
  1. 在香拉县,手机很难接收到信号,

    In Shangla it was hard to find a mobile phone signal .

  2. 他与我们约定,之后在香拉县会合。

    He promised to meet us later in Shangla .

  3. 我们很快从亲戚口中得知,香拉县遭受了令人无法想象的损失。

    We soon heard from our relatives that the damage in Shangla was unimaginable .

  4. 我们都非常担心身处香拉县的亲友们,他们都被困在狭长的山谷中。

    We were terribly worried about our family in Shangla , jammed between those narrow mountains .

  5. 相反,他们选择东进,并在11月16日夺下阿尔普里——香拉县的主要城镇。

    Instead they advanced to the east and on 16 November captured Alpuri , the main town of Shangla .

  6. 他会途经贝沙姆。从那里,我们要想办法再搭一次车,才能到香拉县。

    He was going to Besham , from where we would need another lift to take us to Shangla .

  7. 因为我们在马尔丹没有亲戚,所以决定继续赶路,前往香拉县——我们家族的所在地。

    As we had no relatives in Mardan we were planning to make our way to Shangla , our family village .

  8. 父亲通过朋友和斯瓦特私校协会募得善款,购买食物及医疗用品寄送到香拉县。

    My father sent food and aid to Shangla using money collected by friends and the Swat Association of Private Schools .

  9. 所有人都认为塔利班会回到香拉县,所以他们不理解为什么我们不留在马尔丹。

    Everyone believed the Taliban would return to Shangla so they couldn 't understand why we hadn 't remained in Mardan .

  10. 我希望能搭上卡车与父亲一同前往香拉县,但父亲说这太危险了,不让我跟去。

    I wanted to go to Shangla with my father and the trucks but he told me it would be too dangerous .

  11. 从香拉县的首府阿尔普里到我们村庄的主要道路被河水冲毁,很多村庄整座被淹没。

    The main road to our village from Alpuri , the capital of Shangla , had been washed away , and entire villages were submerged .

  12. 除此之外,因为父亲在这里有了可以落脚的地方,香拉县开始不断有许多朋友来访。

    On top of that , there was a stream of guests from Shangla now that my father had a place for them to stay .

  13. 到目前为止,我们走的实际是与香拉县相反的方向,但我们必须抓住这唯一的搭便车的机会,离开斯瓦特。

    So far we had driven in the opposite direction , but we had had to take the only lift we could get out of Swat .

  14. 她告诉父亲:“你不一定要跟着去,但我要走,我会带着孩子一起去香拉县。”

    She told my father , ' You don 't have to come , but I am going and I will take the children to Shangla . '

  15. 甚至还有一个来自香拉县的主事,吹牛说自己最大的功劳就是把十个九年级的男孩送去克什米尔接受圣战士训练。

    There was even a headmaster from Shangla who would boast that his greatest success was to send ten boys in Grade 9 for jihad training in Kashmir .

  16. 终于,我们抵达了通天关,这里是去往香拉县的入口,是个会让人感觉自己来到世界顶端的山隘。

    Finally we made it up onto Sky Turn , the gateway to Shangla Top , a mountain pass which feels as if it 's on top of the world .

  17. 由于对外道路、桥梁多数均已损毁,所以官方很难进入类似香拉县这样的地方来提供救援,而当地的政府单位又已被摧毁殆尽。

    It was hard for the authorities to reach places like Shangla because most of the roads and bridges had gone and local government had been wiped out throughout the region .

  18. 父亲用存的钱为我买了张新床和一个新的衣柜,然后付钱让母亲去植牙,并在香拉县买了一块地。

    My father used some of the money to buy me a new bed and cabinet and pay for tooth implants for my mother and a piece of land in Shangla .

  19. 但在我们抵达香拉县约六个星期后,父亲说我们可以到白沙瓦去,他在那里与三个朋友共住一个房间。

    But after we had been in Shangla for about six weeks , my father said we could travel to Peshawar , where he had been staying in one room with three friends .

  20. 虽然父亲说我们的村落香拉县对塔利班来说太过偏远,且当地民众扬言不会让他们轻易入侵,我们还是很担心他们的安危。

    We worried about our family in Shangla , though my father said the village was too remote for the Taliban to bother with and local people had made it clear they would keep them out .

  21. 我们会穿上最好的衣服,然后挤上飞行巴士--一台外观漆得很亮丽,还挂着铃铛的小巴士,然后一路往北搭到巴卡纳,这是我们家族在香拉县的村落所在地。

    We would dress in our finest clothes and pile into the Flying Coach , a minibus with brightly painted panels and jangling chains , and drive north to Barkana , our family village in Shangla .

  22. 这里没有医院,只有夏波村有一间诊所,如果有人在别的村子生病了,他们就得由亲戚用木制的担架,也就是我们笑称的香拉县救护车,抬到这里来看病。

    There was no hospital . Only Shahpur had a clinic , and if anyone fell ill in the other villages they had to be carried there by their relatives on a wooden frame which we jokingly called the Shangla Ambulance .