
  • 网络Chief Risk Officer;Cro
  1. 设立了首席风险官的职位并不意味着这名官员就一定会成功。

    Having a cro in place , however , is not enough to make that executive successful .

  2. 而领先公司通常设立独立的风险委员会来评估交易头寸,同时,首席风险官直接向董事会报告。

    Leading companies often use an independent risk committee to assess positions , and also have the cro report directly to the board of directors .

  3. 由于首席风险官直接向CEO汇报,因此,他们对公司的决策过程有着非常大的影响力。

    Reporting directly to the CEO , the chief risk officer has great clout in the decision-making process of the company .

  4. 美国国际集团首席风险官鲍勃o刘易斯(BobLewis)表示,将为美国国际集团计提“萧条比例”项目来承受风暴。

    Bob Lewis , AIG 's chief risk officer , indicated that it would take events of " Depression proportions " for AIG to suffer .

  5. 那一年8月份,该集团时任首席风险官曾经表示,市场不断积累的危机扩散并伤害到AIG的可能性微乎其微。

    In August of that year its then chief risk officer spoke of a very modest and remote chance that the mounting crisis in markets would spill over to hurt AIG .

  6. 通过设立首席风险官,在公司需要制定决策时,由CRO对风险进行分析,确定决策是否可取,而不是由其他高管用押宝的方式来决定。

    Rather than allowing executives to gamble when making business decisions , a cro analyzes the risks and determines if the moves are advisable .

  7. 瑞再首席风险官拉吉辛格(RajSingh)表示,在各国财政状况恶化之际,另一个日益突显的重要风险是:我们亟需解决基础设施长期投资不足的问题。

    Raj Singh , chief risk officer at Swiss Re , said another significant risk that was gaining importance as countries ' fiscal positions worsened was the need to address chronic under-investment in infrastructure .

  8. 瑞士再保险公司首席风险官拉吉辛格(rajsingh)说:“保险业真正的联通程度将被降低,因为需要一种双重的触发才能产生重大的系统性影响。”

    Raj Singh , chief risk officer of Swiss Re , said : " the real interconnectivity for the insurance industry is more muffled in that there needs to be a dual trigger for there to be any big systemic effects . "

  9. 3.首席风险官/网络安全官。

    Chief risk officer / cybersecurity officer .

  10. 首席风险官向期货公司董事会负责。

    The chief risk officer is responsible to the board of directors of the futures company .

  11. 许多企业设有首席风险官,但有多少企业有首席机遇官呢?

    Many companies have a chief risk officer , but how many employ a chief opportunity officer ?

  12. 资本市场的一切都失效了,一家西方大型银行的首席风险官表示。

    Nothing in the capital markets worked any more , says the chief risk officer at a large western bank .

  13. 安东西奇一度曾担任雷曼兄弟首席风险官,直接对身处完美风暴中船长、举世无双的雷曼兄弟董事长迪克•富尔德负责。

    Antoncic was for a spell the chief risk manager at Lehman , reporting to the peerless perfect-storm skipper Dick Fuld .

  14. 沃德写道,在2006年,最高管理层将首席风险官排挤出了核心权力圈,只因后者胆敢提出房价可能会下跌的说法。

    In 2006 , she writes , top management sidelined the chief risk officer for daring to suggest that house prices might fall .

  15. 首席风险官们估计,在已经增加和预期将增加的这部分支出中,有大约200亿美元是由金融危机的直接后果。

    The risk officers estimated that about $ 20bn of the past and projected increase was a direct consequence of the financial crisis .

  16. 只有经历了金融危机才能铭记住这类观点——比如,英国银行的首席风险官应该更加独立。

    It took the financial crisis to enshrine the idea that UK banks " chief risk officers should be more independent , for instance .

  17. 很多大型资本市场和大宗商品交易公司的首席风险官难以保持独立,也得不到足够的支持来对抗交易部门。

    Many cros at large capital markets and commodity trading firms struggle with independence and the necessary support to stand up to the trading organization .

  18. 首席风险官们估计,薪酬受到风险相关目标“严重影响”的高管只有55%。

    The chief risk officers estimated that the pay of only 55 per cent of top executives was " significantly influenced " by risk-related goals .

  19. 首席风险官预见到未来的倒闭风险,建议叫停抵押贷款业务,但他的老板以当场炒他鱿鱼相要挟。

    Foreseeing a catastrophe ahead , the risk officer proposes shutting down the mortgage business , but his boss threatens to sack him on the spot .

  20. 他们通过寻求外部顾问的协助,才逐渐稳定了局面。此后,许多公司都意识到,他们需要一位首席风险官。

    Looking to outside consultants for help , they slowly got back on their feet , and many realized the need for a chief risk officer .

  21. 首席风险官又建议对冲风险,但他的老板回击说这会使未来两年利润下降好几亿美金。

    He mentions hedging the risk , but his boss retorts that in the next two years that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars in lost profits .

  22. 德勤对银行和保险公司首席风险官的调查发现,73%的人预计每年在合规、风险、审计和其它控制职能上的支出将继续增加。

    Deloitte surveyed chief risk officers at banks and insurance companies and found that 73 per cent expected annual spending on compliance , risk , audit and other control functions to continue to rise .

  23. 我们的研究表明,风险管理责任到人是另一个关键问题:专职官员(一般职务为首席风险官)负责必不可少。

    Our research indicates that ownership of risk management is another key issue ; having a dedicated executive in place – often called the chief risk officer ( CRO ) – is essential to mastering this problem .

  24. 同时要设立有效的内控体系和风险管理部门(包括首席风险官或类似职位),并确保其获得充分的授权、地位、独立性、资源保障和向董事会报告的路径。

    At the same time , commercial banks should have an effective internal controls system and a risk management function ( including a chief risk officer or equivalent ) with sufficient authority , stature , independence , resources and access to the board .

  25. 瑞士信贷的首席风险管理官WilsonErvin,所工作的地方就被看作是风险的明证。

    Wilson Ervin , Credit Suisse 's chief risk officer , appropriately works in a building that is a living testament to risk .

  26. 摩根大通任命了新的首席财务官和首席风险官。

    JPMorgan has a new chief financial officer and chief risk officer .

  27. 这对信息技术部门、组织的首席财务官和首席风险官的挑战越来越大。

    This poses a growing challenge , both to IT departments and to organisations ' chief financial officers and chief risk officers .

  28. 渤海银行去年开业,其副董事长、副首席执行官、首席风险官、批发银行业务主管和消费银行业务负责人等高管均来自渣打银行。

    The bank opened last year with senior executives , including its vice-chairman , deputy chief executive , chief risk officer , director of wholesale banking and head of consumer banking from Standard Chartered .

  29. 中投董事长楼继伟手下有一个由经验丰富的中国专业人士组成的团队,其中包括首席投资官高西庆和首席风险官汪建熙(jessewang)。

    Below Lou Jiwei , CIC chairman , is a team of experienced Chinese professionals who include Gao Xiqing , chief investment officer , and Jesse Wang , chief risk officer .

  30. 在银行、保险及其他金融服务类公司中,还会有ChiefAdministrativeOfficer(首席行政官)和ChiefRiskOfficer(首席风险官)。

    Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Risk Officer positions are often found in banking , insurance , and other financial services companies .