
shǒu chuànɡ jīnɡ shen
  • initiative;pioneering spirit;creative initiative
  1. 他缺乏首创精神,墨守成规地办一切事情。

    He showed little initiative , handling all matters strictly by the book .

  2. 斯帕尔看不上机构重叠和清规戒律,表现出美国人的机敏,有着独立、首创精神和企业家的风度。

    Spawr indeed personified American ingenuity , self-reliance , initiative and entrepreneurship .

  3. PedestalExpo展示了小规模团体的首创精神和他们的进步,招募参与者,或者仅仅是寻找其他处理类似问题的人员

    Pedestal Expo to showcase small group initiatives and their progress , to recruit participation , or simply to find others working on similar problems

  4. 他表示这一首创精神得到了国际非政府组织的支持。

    He said the initiative is supported by international nongovernment organizations .

  5. 她缺乏从事这样一个项目所需要的首创精神。

    She hasn 't the initiative to start such a project .

  6. 我寻找并奖励那些表现出首创精神和创造力的人们。

    I look for and reward people who show initiative and creativity .

  7. 我们在找一个既有雄心壮志又有首创精神的人。

    We 're looking for someone with ambition and initiative .

  8. 依靠和尊重人民,特别是尊重人民群众的首创精神。

    Relying on and respecting the people , especially respecting their initiative .

  9. 他不断将自己难以抑制的想象力和首创精神用于追求的各个领域

    He consistently applied his irrepressible imagination And initiative to all his pursuit

  10. 我们应当尊重农民的首创精神。

    We should respect the farmer 's original spirits ;

  11. 管理者要充分爱护员工,尊重员工的首创精神。

    The administration staff should fully care for employees , respect their initiative .

  12. 这个自行车项目仅仅是哥本哈根的一些首创精神之一。

    The Bicycle Program is just one of many initiatives being pursued by Copenhagen .

  13. 它激发我们的首创精神,使我国生产力成为世界一大奇迹;

    It inspires the initiative that makes our productivity the wonder of the world .

  14. 他强烈相信美国的进步与繁荣,有赖于私人的首创精神和努力奋斗。

    He believed fervently that American progress and prosperity depended upon private initiative and striving .

  15. 另外,中国的官僚结构抑制了首创精神,促使人平庸无所作为。

    Moreover , the structure of the country 's bureaucracy stifles initiative and promotes mediocrity .

  16. 既要冲破旧的思想禁锢,尊重群众的首创精神

    " We should Break away from old concepts , respect the people 's pioneering spirit "

  17. 尊重农民的首创精神;

    Respects the farmer 's creativity ;

  18. 这样可以显示你在你所从事的领域是领导者,而且具有首创精神。

    This will show that you are a leader in your field and you take initiative .

  19. 他们欣赏在华德福教育环境中对思考和个人首创精神的培养。

    They appreciate the cultivation of thinking and individual initiative that takes place in a Waldorf environment .

  20. 培养人的现代意识,保持人的首创精神,是创新教育的重要任务。

    It is the key task of innovation education to foster the contemporary consciousness and maintain the innovative spirit .

  21. 白羊座则扮演具有首创精神的领导者角色,他们会不遗余力地督促双鱼前进。

    Aries is a leader with a lot of initiative , and they 'll pursue the Pisces without hesitation .

  22. 汉武帝作为一个历史人物,他的伟人之处在于他的诸多改革的首创精神和积极的治政态度。

    As a historical figure , the most valuable character in him is his political initiative and positive governing attitude .

  23. 这就需要积极探索,大胆试验,尊重群众的首创精神;

    To do this , it is necessary to make active explorations and bold experiments and respect the pioneering initiative of the masses .

  24. 位于乌拉圭的代理机构制作了这种带有航行指示的橡皮图章图画纪念邮戳,这在飞艇邮政历史上是独一无二的与企业有关的首创精神。

    An agent in Uruguay created rubber stamp pictorial cachets with the routing instructions , a unique entrepreneurial initiative in Zeppelin post history .

  25. 他补充道,计划真正源于儿科医院网,联邦政府支持他们的首创精神。

    He added that the project really stemmed from the network of pediatric hospitals and that the federal goernment is supporting their initiatie .

  26. 应当吸收人类一切先进文化成果;应当尊重人民群众的首创精神,充分发挥人民群众的首创作用。

    We should absorb all the advanced culture fruits and respect people ′ s creative spirit and develop them to their full abilities .

  27. 而女董事则比较不会被这些因素束缚,她们比男董事更具有首创精神。

    Female directors , on the other hand , are less constrained by these parameters and more prepared to use initiative than male colleagues .

  28. 在白羊座,白羊座木星拥抱的首创精神,热情,炽热的激情,并愿意竞争的一个纯粹的娱乐。

    In Aries , Jupiter embraces Aries'pioneering spirit , enthusiasm , fiery passion , and willingness to compete for the sheer entertainment of it .

  29. 疆土边境不可能阻止变革。人类的进步总是来自于个人和局部的首创精神;这些首创精神是被自由地创造出来,然后经过自由发挥,适用于其他地方。

    Change cannot be held back by frontiers.Human progress has always come from individual and local initiatives , freely devised and then freely adapted elsewhere .

  30. 首创精神这不是去发现微不足道的方法把你的工作做得更好,或者主公署请求去做一些额外的工作,如计划一年一度的外出野餐活动。

    Initiative It 's not about finding little ways to do your job better , or volunteering to do little extras like planning the annual picnic .