
  1. 本文研究了利用乙醚萃取分离紫外分光光度法测定食品添加剂苯甲酸的可能性,选择了最佳工作条件,拟出最新分析方法。

    The possibility of the ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of benzoic acid in the additive of food by extraction separation with ether is studied . The optimum working condition is selected and the new method of analysis is proposed .

  2. 含苯甲酸42%~43%的有机物废渣,用升华方法回收到纯度为997%的食品添加剂级苯甲酸。

    Pure food additive grade benzoic acid ( purity 99.7 % ) was obtained by the sublimation method from the waste residue which contained 42 % ~ 43 % , benzoic acid .

  3. 常见食品添加剂(除苯甲酸钠外)和金属离子对色素无显著影响。

    Most food additives and most metal ions do not show deteriorative effects on the pigment except sodium benzoate .

  4. 【研究方法】1.检测食品添加剂种类:苯甲酸、山梨酸、安赛蜜、甜蜜素、糖精钠、柠檬黄、苋菜红、胭脂红、日落黄、亮蓝和二氧化硫。

    Additives to be tested : Saccharin , Sodium cyclamate , Acesulfame potassium , benzoic acid , sorbic acid , Sulphites , Tartrazine , Sunset yellow , Amaranth , Ponceau 4R , Brilliant blue . 2 .