
  • 网络Man-eating tree
  1. 很显然,这种食肉植物与我们要找的“食人树”并非一回事。

    Very apparent , this kind of plant that eat the meat and we should search " maneating tree " be not one and the same .

  2. 瓶子草类生长在马达加斯加、印度尼西亚、澳大利亚、马来西亚,以及其他炎热、潮湿、低洼的地区,马达加斯加的食人树可能就是这些瓶子草类被夸大的产物。

    The man-eating tree of Madagascar may have been an exaggeration of the pitcher plants that grow in Madagascar , Indonesia , Australia , Malaysia and other hot and humid , low-lying areas .