
  • 网络femtometre;femtometer;fermi;femto meter
  1. 在略多于十分之一秒的时间内,m16突击步枪射出的子弹可以飞100米远。

    A M16 assault rifle can fire a bullet 100m in just over a 10th of a second .

  2. 吴忠源声称他的直升机可以飞800米(2600英尺),但他一直也没能证实这一点。

    Zhongyuan claims the chopper will fly to800 meters ( 2,600 feet ), but so far hasn 't been able to prove it .

  3. 它飞了499米,飞得太高了。

    It went too high : 499 metres .

  4. 司徒博士表示,喷出物包括大粒子,还有飞沫,大飞沫很快就掉落到地上,不会飞出一米远。

    Large particles , he says ; wet , heavy droplets that fall to the floor within one meter of your mouth .

  5. 来自华北电力大学的“莱特兄弟华电号”,凭借稳定的发挥,在观众的欢呼声中一直飞了25米,一举拿下了冠军。

    Relying on stable exertion , Brother Wright Huadian from NCEPU ( North China Electric Power University ) had been flying for25 m in the crowd cheer , and won the championship accordingly .

  6. 事实上,今年的赢家——岩手县大公牛篮球队的一名队员——就抒发了对篮球队的热爱,大喊“大公牛加油!”然后让塑料鱼飞了8.29米远。

    In fact , this year 's winner , a member of the Iwate Big Bulls basketball team , channeled the love for his team , yelling " Go Big Bulls ! " and sending the plastic fish flying 8.29 meters .

  7. 它在陆地和空中的时速分别为25千米(15英里)和40千米(25英里),可飞至1200米(4000英尺)高空。

    It travels around 25 kilometers per hour ( 15 mph ) on land and 40 kilometers per hour ( 25 mph ) in the air . It can also fly up to a height of 1200 meters ( 4000 ft ) .

  8. 这意味着如果你真的打算做这个实验,箭支飞不出10米。

    This means that if you actually performed this experiment , the arrow would fly no more than 10 meters .

  9. 转眼间火箭弹就追上了目标并像手榴弹一样炸开,弹片向四面八方飞出达30米。

    The chase is a short one and the projectile explodes like a hand grenade , spreading shrapnel 30 meters in every direction .

  10. 气球飞得不高,只飞到25米,因为气球被一根绳子拴在地面上。

    The act of hitting a baseball so that it flies high in the air . The balloon did not rise very tar . It went only to twenty-five metres . It was tied to the ground by a rope .