
  • 网络point of risks;risk of point;Risk point;risk
  1. 第三章通过主要财务指标和相关数据对比分析了XX证券公司的财务状况及主要财务风险点。

    The third chapter analysis the financial situation and major risk point of XX Securities Company though comparing its key financial indicators and related data .

  2. 商业银行人民币对公支付结算业务风险点及对策

    The Countermeasure and Risk Point of Payment Settlement Business of RMB-to-Public of Commercial Bank

  3. 银行营业前台风险点防范及控制措施

    The Defense and Control Measures to the Risk of Bank Management

  4. 基层商业银行风险点及其防范

    The Risk Points of the Primary Commercial Banks and Their Prevention

  5. 确定风险点实施埋地钢管的保护

    Corrosion protection of pipeline based on Determination of risk points

  6. 多风险点地铁暗挖区间施工技术研究

    The Study on Construction Techniques of Undermining the Multiple Risky Points Subway

  7. 三种方法在深度和广度识别风险点上有区别。

    Three methods in breadth and depth are different .

  8. 基层商业银行风险点的防范与控制问题研究

    On Prevention and Control of Risks in Commercial Banks at Grass Roots Level

  9. 独立式证券交易模式对市场变化、新业务的反应的时效性差;风险点多、整体风险大、缺乏有效的风险控制手段;

    Independent securities transaction pattern response slowly to market shift and new service ;

  10. 人民银行国库资金风险点的查找与防范

    Search and Prevention of National Treasury Risks of the People 's Bank of China

  11. 这些风险点都可能造成中国商业银行的不良贷款和巨额损失,显示了当前不良贷款的严重性。

    All these risk points can lead to NPL and heavy loss for Chinese banks .

  12. 资料审查阶段,主要是运用了检查表法,对企业的风险点进行排查。

    Data Review Phase , mainly with CHECK SHEET , troubleshooting risk points from enterprises .

  13. 因此找到与企业发展相匹配的风险点是至关重要的。

    Therefore it is crucial to find the match point of the risk level and business development .

  14. 在评估中,本文选择高风险点作了深入分析。

    In the assessment , the paper made a choice of high-risk , in-depth analysis . 4 .

  15. 本文介绍了网上银行的三大风险点,并针对风险介绍了防范的措施。

    This article introduces the three risks of online bank , and the measures of dealing with the risks .

  16. 第三部分重点研究了保险经营主要风险点的控制与防范。

    The third part : its research emphasis is on the control and prevention of main insurance management risks .

  17. 主要包括分析和评价房地产开发项目的合法性、效益性和主要风险点。

    Legitimacy , benefit and main risk including analysing and appraising the development item of real estates mainly are checked .

  18. 股票质押贷款作为金融资产质押贷款的一种方式,与一般贷款业务相比,其风险点多、管理难度大的特点更加突出。

    Stock mortgage loan which is one form of financial assets-mortgage loans faces more credit risk , compared with common loans .

  19. 把握项目中的风险点并加以有效地控制,才能实现真正意义上的跨国经营。

    Only by mastering risk point in the project and effectively controlling , can international operation in the real significance be realized .

  20. 第四部分根据流程分析的结果得出国有银行的风险点,并从中寻求一些风险防范的思路。

    Part ⅳ analyzes the results obtained based on the process of state-owned banks risk points , and seek a number of risk prevention ideas .

  21. 如何有效防范和控制风险点,如何化解经营中潜在的风险是摆在各家银行面前的首要问题。

    The most important things that will be in front of the every bank of China are hoe to defense and control the risk in Chinese banking managements .

  22. 在本文的第四章中,首先按照站段-路局-铁道部的数据流动过程,分三部分梳理铁路运输企业会计信息流动中可能产生会计信息质量问题的活动,并对其作出风险点分析。

    In the fourth part of this paper , in accordance with the Railway segments we divided the accounting flow processes into three parts , and made a risk point analysis .

  23. 不良债权价值分析和评估是不良债权定价的基础,也是不良债权处置的主要难点和风险点。

    The analysis and evaluation of non - performing loans ( NPLs ) are the premise of the pricing of NPLs as well as the main difficulty and risk source of NPL disposition .

  24. 在审计实施过程中,应围绕内部控制的研究和评价,辨析风险点,以使审计风险降低至可接受水平。

    In the process of audit , in order to reduce audit risk to an acceptable level , risk analysis shall be made on the bases of the study and evaluation of internal control .

  25. 通过对上海地铁M线工程实例,介绍了冻结法施工联络通道的工艺、风险点的设立及风险分析,并详细叙述了风险控制对策。

    Through the engineering practice in Shanghai Metro Line M , the construction workmanship , risk point establishment and risk analysis are introduced in this paper , including detailed measures to cope with such risks .

  26. 首先,在剖析人口失衡风险点的基础上,抽取出能表征人口失衡风险的指标,构建人口失衡风险预警指标体系并制定指标预警阈值。

    Firstly , indexes which can characterize the population unbalance risk are abstracted on the basis of analyzing the population unbalance risk points to constitute the population unbalance risk early warning indexes system , their rational threshold values being set .

  27. 系统上线时,由于缺乏统一规划,造成每套系统都配有一台前置机,系统运行风险点多,维护工作量大,硬件设备投资大,系统运行成本较高。

    System on-line , due to the lack of unified planning , resulting in each system is equipped with a front-end , the system runs the risk of many points , maintenance workload , hardware investment , high cost of system operation .

  28. 对于电子政务网而言,在其安全体系架构过程中,由于政务业务、管理体制的不断变化,加上攻击手段层出不穷,使得对于网络系统安全风险点的分析存在不确定性。

    As for the E-Gov networks , when structuring the network security infrastructure , there will be uncertainties to the analysis of risk control points , since the government operations and admin systems often change while attack methods change with each passing day .

  29. 最后,主管税务机关的业务流程要进行再造,加强定期定额征收管理中风险点的管理,以达到降低定期定额征收纳税户的税收管理风险。

    Finally , the competent tax authorities where the business process to perform , to strengthen the management of risk point in regular intervals in fixed amount management , in order to achieve lower revenue management risk at regular intervals in fixed amount .

  30. 即在识别风险点的基础上设定风险控制工具并制定合理的评估标准和改进措施,对我国现行数量限制监管模式进行有益补充,从而实现对企业年金整个运营模式的审慎性监管。

    That means , set risky control tools and establish reasonable assessment standards as well as improved measures on the basis of identifying risky points , in order to supplement draconian regulation mode in our country regulatory and achieve prudential regulation mode through the whole trust operational pattern .