
  1. 风机紧固件的失效和控制措施

    Invalidation and Control Measures of Fan Fastener

  2. 风更紧了,当我们穿过一片树林时,我听见主人说:我还没在这么大的暴风雨中外出过,约翰。

    The wind was much stronger , and as we drove through a wood , I heard my master say , Ive never been out in a storm as bad as this , John .

  3. 采用液压千斤顶依次递增加载的方式对设计的某型号风电锁紧盘进行加载试验,验证本文设计方法的可靠性。

    Inorder to verify the reliability of the design method , loading test of wind turbine ' sshrink disk which designed by the method above was carried out by hydraulicjacks in ascending order of loading .

  4. 新型缆风绳预紧及放松设备的控制系统介绍

    New Control System of Tightening and Loosening Cable Mooring Rope

  5. 风刮得很紧。

    The wind blows hard .

  6. 风吹得很紧,海上巨浪翻滚着。

    The wind blew hard and the sea was billowing .

  7. 风刮得很紧,雪片像扯破了的棉絮一样在空中飞舞,没有目的地四处飘落。

    The wind was blowing hard ; snowflakes , floating like cotton fluff from a ripped quilt , drifted down aimlessly .

  8. 她现在更有气力了,走起路来也更轻快了,树林里的风,不象花园里的风那么紧吹着她而使人疲乏。

    She was stronger , she could walk BEtter , and in the wood the wind would not BE so tiring as it was across the bark , flatten against her .