
  • 网络neck;collum segment
  1. 贝氏莫尼茨绦虫由头节、颈节和体节三部分组成,其在形态上有一系列的变化规律。

    Moniezia benedeni is composed of scolex , neck and strobila , it has a series of changes in the shape .

  2. 水稻穗颈节伤流势与源库质量的关系研究

    Relation Between Bleeding Potential in Neck of Spike and Source sink Quality of Rice

  3. eA系穗颈节显著伸长、异交潜力明显提高。

    EA lines have significant elongated uppermost internode causing panicle exsertion better and possessing higher outcrossing potential .

  4. 结果各被观察脊髓节段下界的平均位置是:第4颈节平对第3颈椎(C3);第8颈节平对第6~7颈椎间盘;

    Results The mean portion of each inferior bound of spinal segment examined is the 4th and the 8th neck segments are on the same level with C_3 and C_6-7 intervertebral disc respectively ;

  5. 穗颈节顶部直径的5个QTL(qPTD2、qPTD5、qPTD6、qPTD8和qPTD12)分别位于第2、第5、第6、第8和第12染色体;

    Five QTLs for PTD ( q PTD _2 , q PTD _5 , q PTD _6 , q PTD _8 and q PTD _12 ) were identified on chromosomes 2 , 5 , 6 , 8 , and 12 , respectively .

  6. 对两系杂交稻穗颈节维管束特征及其籽粒充实进行了研究。

    The characteristics of vascular bundle of peduncle and grain-filling in two-line hybrid rice were studied .

  7. 水稻穗颈节与基部节间伤流的比较及其氮素调控研究

    The Comparison and Nitrogen Nutrition Regulations of Bleeding in Neck - Panicle Node and Basal Internode of Rice

  8. 不同穗型的水稻品种基部节间、中间茎节、穗颈节的伤流强度变化趋势基本一致,其总体趋势是下降的;

    The trend of the bleeding intensity in different part of the paddy rice species is consistence , and its total trend is descendent .

  9. 施用氮素穗肥提高了籽粒灌浆初期基部和穗颈节伤流强度。

    The application of panicle nitrogen fertilizer increased the bleeding intensities at the basal nodes and neck-panicle internodes at initial stage of rice grain filling .

  10. 穗颈节到旗叶叶枕距离的变异系数最大,最大值为40%,主穗长和主穗小穗数的变异系数最小,最小值均为13%。

    The distance of flag leaf phyllula to neck displayed the highest coefficient of variation , 40 % . The main spike length and spikelet number of main spike showed the least variation , both 13 % . 2 .

  11. 对来源于离子束介导的水稻转基因植株第7代的8个株系及原受体品种和两个对照水稻品种的穗颈节下第一节间维管束数量和光合速率进行比较研究。

    The number of vascular bundles of the first internode below the peduncle and the photosynthetic effciency of 8 F 7 transgenic lines obtained through ion beam implantation and the original receptor and other two CKs were studied comparatively .

  12. 结果:交感神经阻断后,F波的幅度有不同程度的降低.以颈上节交感神经切断明显。

    The results showed that the amplitude of F wave was decreased to some extent after sympathectomy .

  13. 在注射侧的C1、2、3、脊神经节、迷走神经下节和交感神经颈上节观察到标记细胞。

    A few of the labelled neurons was observed in the superior cervical ganglion , nodose ganglion and spinal ganglion C1-3 in the injected side .

  14. IL-1受体I型在大鼠颈上节神经元中的表达

    Expression of IL-1 receptor type I on neuronal cells of superior cervical ganglion of rats

  15. 在横轴面同一颈髓节段(C3水平)不同部位分别测量各项参数值;

    Various parameters in different regions at the same level ( C3 ) were measured on axial image .

  16. 在~3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷标记培养物神经元的实验中,观察到NGF可促进培养第3天的颈上节少量的神经元合成DNA。

    In the experiments with 3H-thymidine incorporation , that the NGF may promote the synthesis of DNA in some neurons of the third day SCG in vitro was also observed .

  17. 脾非淋巴细胞条件培养液作用于颈上节的实验观察

    Observation on superior cervical ganglia with conditioned medium from splenic non-lymphoid cells

  18. 人胎颈交感节肽能神经元的免疫细胞化学的研究

    Immunocytochemical study of the peptidergic neurons of the cervical sympathetic ganglia in human fetus

  19. 猫交感颈上节和腰(1&5)节前神经元的脊髓内起源

    The Origin of Sympathetic Preganglion Neurons of the Superior Cervical and Lumbar_ ( 1-5 ) in the Spinal Cord of the Cat

  20. 交感神经颈上节的定位研究切断同侧颈交感神经能减少噪声引起的耳蜗血流下降。

    RESEARCH ON POSITIONING OF SYMPATHETIC GANGLION CERVICALE SUPERIUS The ipsilateral upper cervical sympathectomy can reduce the decrease of cochlear blood flow induced by noise .

  21. 颈上节交感神经切断后痉挛肌肉肌电图与肌纤维结构的改变颈交感神经阻断后脑瘫大鼠上肢肌电图的研究

    A experiment study on EMG and twitch muscle fiber structure in spasmodic muscle after superior cervical sympathectomy A Study on EMG of Central Spastic Palsy Rats after Cervical Sympathectomy

  22. 锌离子在交感干的轴突运输以及锌缺乏对交感干结构影响的研究颈上节交感神经切断后痉挛肌肉肌电图与肌纤维结构的改变

    Axonal Transport of Zinc Ions in Sympathetic Trunk and the Morphological Changes in Sympathetic Trunk after Zinc Deficiency ; A experiment study on EMG and twitch muscle fiber structure in spasmodic muscle after superior cervical sympathectomy

  23. 以培养的新生大鼠颈上交感节神经元为标本,探讨了四乙铵(tetraethylammonium,TEA)对神经元烟碱受体的作用机制。

    The cultured neurons of rat superior cervical ganglia were used to investigate the blocking effects of tetraethylammonium ( TEA ) on neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ( nAChRs ) .

  24. 方法在培养的大鼠颈上交感节神经元上,以α7nAChR选择性激动剂choline为工具药,通过喷射给药,采用膜片钳全细胞记录方式研究胆碱诱发电流的电生理学特征。

    METHODS The Whole cell recording configuration of patch clamp technique was used to study the electrophysiological features of α 7 nAChR in cultured rat superior cervical ganglia neurons by rapid application of choline , a selective agonist of α 7 nAChR , onto the soma of the neurons .

  25. 观察幼苗的解剖学结构,发现根颈由子叶节区和下胚轴组成,初生维管系统在根和茎之间的转变发生在胚轴上很短的子叶节区。

    The convertion of primary vascular system occurs in the Cotyledon Node Zone between root and stem .

  26. 按研究对象的颈动脉粥样硬化斑块的节段位置分组:AM为颈动脉起始段与中段组,BI为颈动脉分叉与颈内动脉起始部组。

    According to plaque location on segments of carotid artery : AM group includes plaques on initial segment and middle segment of carotid artery , Bl group includes those on carotid bifurcation and initiation of interal carotid artery .

  27. 目的探讨颈部累及颈动脉和多节颈椎肿瘤的处理方法。

    Objective To discuss surgery of the giant tumor involving the carotid artery and multiple cervical vertebra .

  28. 方法采用YabuKi对颈神经背根节的研究方法,同时对7具成人防腐标本颈背根节的位置和毗邻关系进行了观察。

    Meanwhile , the positions of dorsal root ganglia in the cervical region and neighboring relations were observed in 7 adult cadaver specimens .

  29. 结论颈神经背根节卡压可能是顽固性肘外侧疼痛又一重要发病因素。

    The generally the rate is 83 3 % Conclusion Dorsal root ganglia compression in the cervical region may be another important cause for intractable lateral elbow pain .

  30. 在颈膨大以下脊髓节段注射示踪剂后,在前庭神经内侧核的大型细胞部、前庭神经下核及前庭神经外侧核的尾部标记纤维和终末仅零星存在。

    Injections into segments below cervical enlargement resulted in sporadic terminal labeling in the magnocellular part of the medial vestibular nucleus , the inferior vestibular nucleus , and the caudal part of the lateral vestibular nucleus .