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  • 网络Quite High
  1. 此外,本文运用了可视化程度颇高的Matlab语言输出了大量的二维和三维图形,使岩体移动预测结果一目了然,便于工程应用。

    In addition , Matlab language whose visual degree to be quite high is used to output a large number of 2D and 3D figures , making the results clearly , so it is benefit application in .

  2. 到目前为止,公司已取得突出的业绩和颇高的荣誉。

    Up till now , the company has already made the outstanding achievement and quite high honor .

  3. 他在民意调查中支持率颇高。

    He was riding high in the public opinion polls

  4. 随着福尔多的最后一杆轻击,球应声入洞,他得以跻身门槛颇高的顶级运动员之列。

    As Faldo 's final putt rattled in , he qualified to join a select band of illustrious sportsmen .

  5. 这种茶品第颇高。

    This tea is of high grade .

  6. 谷歌要视频共享欧洲谷歌(Google)正准备推出欧洲版的YouTube。YouTube是该公司旗下人气颇高的视频共享服务。

    Google is preparing to launch European versions of its popular video-sharing service YouTube .

  7. 人气颇高的《法制晚报》(LegalEveningNews)撰文称:北京奥运会开幕式上的烟花和集体舞表演明确传达出这样一个信息,属于中国的时代已经到来了。

    The fireworks and mass acrobatics of Beijing delivered a clear message : China 's time has come , declared the Legal Evening News , a popular newspaper .

  8. 其中一大部分热播剧是由人气颇高的湖南广播电视台旗下的电视剧制作公司湖南经视文化传播有限公司(ETVMediaCulture)制作的。

    A large share of these hit dramas are produced by ETV Media Culture , a production arm of Hunan province 's popular satellite broadcaster .

  9. 到2005年,GPU芯片产量颇高,其价格便降了下来。

    By 2005 , GPUs were being produced in such quantities that they became much cheaper .

  10. ValveSoftware是人气颇高的在线游戏市场Steam的所有者和经营者。这次合作很可能意味着,该公司的兴趣至少将在一定程度上聚焦于虚拟现实游戏。

    Valve Software owns and operates the popular online game marketplace Steam , which is likely to mean that its interests will be at least part focused on gaming in virtual reality .

  11. 相对安卓(Android)手机和Windows电脑而言,苹果的产品不太容易受到恶意软件的侵袭,这让本次WireLurker事件关注度颇高。

    Compared with Android phones or Windows PCs , Apple 's products are relatively impervious to malware , which is what makes WireLurker so interesting .

  12. 中国一家人气颇高的网站及互联网浏览器公司用自己的技术替代了谷歌(GoogleInc.)的搜索服务,由此可见,谷歌在中国面临的挑战正在不断增大。

    Google Inc. faces intensifying challenges in China after a popular website and Internet browser company there replaced the search service for its own technology .

  13. 《人再囧途之泰囧》(LostinThailand)打破票房纪录成为中国有史以来票房最高的国产影片后才没几周,一部新上映的大片正在给《泰囧》这部人气颇高的低成本喜剧片带来挑战。

    Just weeks after " Lost in Thailand " broke box-office records to become China 's highest-grossing movie ever , a new blockbuster is giving the low-budget comedy hit a run for its money .

  14. 韩国一线演员全智贤(JunJi-hyun)和金秀贤近来在韩国赢得了24.8%的收视率,这在韩国尼尔森市场调查公司看来是颇高的。

    Top South Korean actors Jun Ji-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun recently earned a popularity rating of 24.8 percent in their country , considered strong by Nielsen Korea .

  15. 与此同时,美国正与八个区域经济体展开密切合作,以签署《跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定》(Trans-PacificPartnership,TPP)。这是一项雄心勃勃、且标准颇高的贸易协定。

    At the same time , America is working closely with eight regional economies to realise a Trans-Pacific Partnership , an ambitious , high-standard trade agreement .

  16. 新浪公司(SinaCorp)警告称,其人气颇高的微博服务新浪微博(SinaWeibo)将受到中国官方实名制要求的打击。

    Sina Corp has warned that its popular microblogging service will suffer from Beijing 's requirement that users of Sina Weibo register under their real names .

  17. 由于twitter在中国遭到屏蔽,新浪以及另外两家大型门户网站腾讯(tencent)和搜狐(sohu)运行的微博人气颇高。

    The microblogs operated by Sina as well as those of Tencent and Sohu , two other large online portals , have been thriving because Twitter is blocked in China .

  18. 另一位知名度颇高的黑客是苹果(Apple)的共同创始人史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克,他公开坦承自己早年在加州大学伯克利分校(UCBerkeley)学习期间,曾经制作并销售过能够侵入电话网络免费打电话的设备。

    Another high-profile hacker is apple ( AAPL ) co-founder Steve Wozniak , who speaks openly about his early days at UC Berkeley , building and selling devices that could hack phone networks to make free calls .

  19. 6月份,阿里巴巴收购了人气颇高的移动浏览器公司UC优视(UCWeb),两家公司已联手开发移动搜索引擎神马。

    In June , Alibaba bought UCWeb , a popular mobile browser company , and the two have developed Shenme , a mobile search engine .

  20. 投资者认为,上述言论是承认瑞银一直利用其资产负债表来进行利差交易,即利用廉价资金投资于实际上风险颇高的高收益AAA级证券。

    Investors took the comment as an admission that UBS had been using its balance sheet to run a carry trade using cheap money to invest in high-yielding triple-A securities that were in reality highly risky .

  21. 耐人寻味的是,微软首席执行官萨蒂亚•纳德拉(SatyaNadella)据报道正与Cyanogen洽谈。Cyanogen维护着一个人气颇高的安卓AOSP系统。

    Intriguingly , Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella has been reported as talking to Cyanogen , which maintains a popular AOSP fork of Android .

  22. 看着马赛检察官布里斯·罗班(BriceRobin),我想起法国的公共服务依然是一项要求颇高的职业,吸引了该国很多极优秀的人才。

    Watching Brice Robin , the Marseille prosecutor , I was reminded that public service in France is still a high calling that draws many of the country 's best minds .

  23. 在华盛顿特区,人气颇高的餐馆兼书店BusboysandPoets的老板最近宣布,每位员工的时薪至少为15美元。

    In Washington , D.C. , the owner of Busboys and Poets , a popular restaurant and bookstore , recently announced every employee would earn at least $ 15 an hour .

  24. 它在获得最佳纪录片提名的影片中是个异数——它来自A24公司,颇受欢迎,票房不俗,在家庭影院市场也销量颇高。

    It was a rarity among documentaries - a popular film that drew a substantial audience at the box-office for A24 , and sold well in home markets .

  25. 人们亲切地把他称作“拉蒂(Ratty)”,他是零售领域一位声望颇高的评论人士,深受投资者的信任和商业领袖的敬重,记者们几乎每天都会引用他的话。

    " Ratty ", as he was affectionately known , was a highly regarded commentator on the retail sector , trusted by investors , respected by business leaders and quoted almost daily by journalists .

  26. 除了在斯诺登泄密事件后表示担忧外,级别颇高的中国安全分析人士还极力呼吁,在能源、银行和通讯等关键行业,摈弃IBM和甲骨文(Oracle)等公司生产的高端计算设备。

    In addition to raising concerns after Mr. Snowden 's revelations , high-ranking Chinese security analysts have called vociferously , in a movement trumpeted in China 's state-run media , for China to get rid of high-end computing equipment made by companies like IBM and Oracle and used in critical industries like energy , banking and telecommunications .

  27. 越南官方控制的媒体大多把这所大学描绘成深化美越合作的象征,但人气颇高的在线新闻网站Zing发表了一篇回忆上述杀戮事件的报道,从而引发更具批评色彩的反应。

    Most of Vietnam 's state-controlled media painted the university as a symbol of deepening US-Vietnam co-operation but Zing , a popular online news outlet , prompted a more critical reaction after it published a story looking into the massacre .

  28. 这很大一部分功劳要归给正热播的韩剧《来自星星的你》。韩国一线演员全智贤(JunJi-hyun)和金秀贤近来在韩国赢得了24.8%的收视率,这在韩国尼尔森市场调查公司看来是颇高的。

    And a big part of the credit for that goes to You Who Came From The Star , the South Korean TV series which is on the air now 。 Top South Korean actors Jun Ji-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun recently earned a popularity rating of 24.8 percent in their country , considered strong by Nielsen Korea .

  29. 你的所有同事对你的评价都颇高。

    All of your colleagues speak very highly of you .

  30. 整体而言,我们发现这项服务的收费颇高。

    Across the board we found the services fairly expensive .
